BAYONA Created by XxInTheShadowsX A long fought over territory in the middle of two great landmark, New mombassa and Citadel. Base: ___-.Foundry Supported Gametypes: Capture the Flag Infection King of the Hill Slayer Story: A long fought over territory that the blue and red armies fought for control so they had a foothold between two major territories, New Mombassa and Citadel. Description: This is probally one of my more pleasing map and it is in my opinion is my personel best it can support Multi CTF, KOTH, Team slayer, and Infection. It is good for infection because has many good spots to hold off and it can play with most every gametype if the the gametype is made from TS, KOTH, CTF, and Infection. Weapon list: Br x5 Shotgun x1 Sniper rifle x1 SMG x6 Spiker x4 Needler x1 Plasma cannon x2 Carbine x5 Beam rifle x1 Rocket Lawnchair x1 Plasma Grenade x10 Spike Grenade x2 Bubble sheild x3 Regenerator x2 Deployable cover x1 Active camo x1 Custom powerup x1 I know you are probally thinking it is overpowered and I admit it is but the fact that there is some power weapons doesn't ruin the map because they are spread apart. Forging 101: [ YES ] __Floating Objects [ ___ ] __Instant Respawn [ YES ] __Immovable Objects [ ___ ] __Timed Map Events [ ___ ] __Effective Spawn Placement [ ___ ] __Gravity Lift Techniques [ ___ ] __Objects Placed in Water [ ___ ] __Used Symmetry Option [ YES ] __Interlocking Objects [ YES ] __Objects Merged with Map Geometry [ YES ] __Unlimited Budget Glitch The Left side overview [/img] The right side overview [/img] red base [/img] blue base [/img] pathway connecting the two bases [/img] The center structure which can be used to get to the sniper toweer [/img] Sniper tower [/img] Sniper tower walkway [/img] Rocket spawn [/img] Turret walkway [/img]
the map is alright. i would try to suggest that when making a map to try to make it realistic. unless you dont like to. but i know the more realistic it looks the better the response will be. i like how you forge. keep forging and you will get really good.
Well on to the map. I really like the layout of the map, but im not sure if it is symmetrical or not. It looks like it isn't, and seems like one side may be overpowered. I do like the starting bases and the interlocked boxes. It said at the top that you had geomerging, but i just couldn't find it...not a big deal, just wondering. It also looks a bit bumpy in certain areas in the map, which would be fixed. Overall i would give it a 3/5 on looks, but ill rate u on gameplay as soon as i get it downloaded. I hope to see a v2
I think the mad arrangement off the moveable pieces needs to be changed a little as these look a little cheap and detract from the clean merging and overall look of the map. I like the set up and bases look interesting, it plays pretty well but i found my self holding sniper all too often, also it doesnt look exactly symetrical which you might wanna look at, use walls or box's to firgure out distances and things. Good job though looking foreward to version 2 ;}
I suggest maybe removing a little bit of that Crate Pyriamid, I'm all for it, but as said above, it seems as if it it's just a little detracting from the overall appeal. You have clean merging, and interlocking. I like the rocket walkway, it looks really nice, and clean. Nice work on the map and post. Quick question. Recommended number of players? Nice Map, I might download later if I can finish debating which of my variants need deleting. Good map again. Keep Forging.
Um, your bases are a little confined. I wouldn't probably call them bases, you really cant take cover there. You'd get grenaded terribly. Other than that, it looks alright. You do a nice job interlocking but the map style is a bit random.
Meh, its not bad, but not good. Looks a little sloppy. The bases are WAYY to plain, I suggest if you make a v2 that you add more in the base, and it looks kind of plain. I suggest you fix that.
Ya Im gunna get a v2 up and running when i get a chance to if I'm not busy on sandbox. By the way My player recommendation for each game type is Team slayer 4-12 players Koth 8-16 players (It is awesome with Koth) Capture the flag 6-14 players Infection 8-16 players (lots of good spots to hold off from the zombies like the walkway to the sniper and the beam rifle base is good to)
In your list of forge tricks you said no instant respwn so what if someone destroyed the gravlift that gets you to the sniper spawn that would be all messed up. Also some stuff is crooked Im sure v2 will be better
I think the map gameplay would be alright, but it just looks a bit messy. Mabie you could delete the crate pile and make something else? Just a suggestion.
Yah I finished make the V2 so im about to post it after i post i will put a link in this thread to it.