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Well duh Hari, please don't spam... it's also about composition and such. I personally think it's a great pic, it shows a lot of the map and good light and such.
Wow do you just ****ing search for my posts so you can criticize them or something? **** off. I meant that there wasnt really a subject to the image....its was just a picture of the geometry of assembly with a juicy filter on.
Yes you have to Exit the Map to do this. Or you will have objects in the way. And the filters were Juicy and Gloomy to make lights stand out and greens and yellows to highlight.
cool looking pic even though I don't see what the spider is suppose to be still cool nice use of fx's 3/5
Hey did you take this picture yourself? I just wonder because not many have the maps as of now, but this is quite an interesting image. I love the colors in the map, and you seem to have taken a good symmetrical photo of the Assembly line.
I have a friend's cousin who works for bungie and we were lucky enough for him to be in town. He showed us some of the preview pics for the new maps and this one exactly matches one of the ones he showed us. I dont know maybe I was wrong. But looks cool though.
honestly, i think it looks kinda cool man, 4/5 and do you have the maps or did some1 else take the pic 4 u?
Looks cool. But not much like a spider. I like the above screenshot of the map though. So ill say. 3.5/5