Description: Created by sploder360 and PaNdeMic87, this map is created for TS, Slayer, and CTF. Forge Description: It is the best map that i've ever achived of doing. It has perfect Geomerging and Merging all over the map, I tested it and it has great gameplay...Download, Please Reply... GameTypes: CTF Team Slayer Slayer Equipment: Bubble Shield Deployable Cover 3 Sticky Grenades 2 Frag Grenades 4 Spike Grenades Download Link: Sanctuary Bottom Middle Hall 1 Hall 2 Teleporter 1 Defenders Base Attackers Base
This map is not up to forgehub standards... the thread will be locked soon if you don't fix it soon. learn more HERE
This post is definitely not up to forgehub standards. You need a picture a much better description. Although it may be the best map in the world most will not download because of your lack of pictures. Now please standby while I fetch a link for you!!!
Yeah I don't think you will get much respect doing the pics later. You should prepare your post completely before throwing it out there.
you need to embed them. you posted the links directly from to embed the pictures, first save them onto your computer, or documents whereever you please. next create a account/login at photobucket and upload the pictures. after that is done, move your cursor over the pictures and something should pop up, saying email & im, direct link, html code, and img code. you want to copy what it says in image code and paste it into your post. if i am wrong in any of this, please correct me
You still didn't do the pictures right and your thread will get locked if not done properly...only a warning
Aside from everyone saying that the post isn't up to standards, which it isn't, I would suggest that you include more pictures, once you embed them, for from what I could see, though the map is incredibly well forged, I couldn't understand the exact layout of it. I would also suggest that you include a weapon list, gameplay pictures, and any other information you find relevant or necessary to make your thread the best it can be. You should be proud enough of your greatest creation to make it's presentation as great as the map is itself. In the v2, you should make the map work well for all gametypes possible.
DOWNLOAD NAO Looks awesome, especially with the hallways and stuff. I'd definitely download cuz it looks awesome, Im not sure about gameplay though. Ill bookmark it for now cuz all my download slots are full.
Well pictures look phenomenal so no question on geomerging or interlocking, However, as youve heard before, this post isnt up to standards. You really need to get a better description of your map going
Wow i must say this map looks very well made. It seems you put quite an effect in making this i will definately DL and try this map out only thing is i would also add a weapons list since u added an equipment one hopefully next time you will get your post right on the first try next time but great map anyway 5/5
I definitely downloaded. But for future reference, is there more to the map? The current pictures look really nice and the map seems really well made, but there is nothing that puts those pictures together, makes the map seem like something whole. Anyway, you got my DL but you could benefit from like an overhead picture
dand im supprised you posted it. i thought we werent even done yet. anyways i had some cool stuff i wanted to add to it but anyway they are right, it does need more pics and a better description. also let evryone know that it was made in only 4 days. 7/10 on the map now 10/10 wen we upgrade.
That is some of the greatest geo-merging and interlocking I've seen forever. It certainly compliments the map. I'll be sure to download this bad boy and reply with a more appropriate response. I can't wait to play it though. Looks really neat.
this map is really nice with the way you forged it. the structures look neat and they look like they are all really well thought about. i like this map a lot because its slayer based and its very well planned. i will download and play later.