Foundry Snipertopia

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by wiggums, Feb 26, 2009.

  1. wiggums

    wiggums Guest

    This is an old map.
    REALLY old.
    But I play it a lot so I thought I'd show it to you guys!
    Messy, messy, messy.
    Gameplay is fun though!

    This map is a sniper map. There are 4 corners, where 1 person spawns in each. you can see all 4 areas of the map from each corner. You can use any sniper variant for this map, it works with anything as far as I know.
    The map has this kind of shape:

    Spawn points: 4
    plasma nades: 4

    o.k. that really failed, so I'll just show you some pictures later.

    Well It's Not a typical map, but a map.

    Note that most of the pictures were taken with the ceiling removed.

    one of the corners:

    The middle:

    View from above:


  2. skulltooth

    skulltooth Ancient
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    Looks cool. I can't really rate the gameplay yet but I can rate the map.

    It needs interlocking and geomerging but you said it was old. Maybe you could come out with a V.2?
    Now onto your post, do you have any weapons or equipments on the map?
    I'll post gameplay once I've played a bit.
    For now, 3.5/5. You got a DL from me.
  3. wiggums

    wiggums Guest

    Well, Why does it need interlocking and geomerging?
    explain it to me, as if I were 9
    edited in stuff on the map.
  4. Youtuber

    Youtuber Ancient
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    Ewww, needs moar interlocking, Jaykay, jaykay. It r has been done before though, and you have to agree with that. It would probably be fun for a while with 3 or 4 of your friends for a while though. And you probably 1, wanted to get this out before sandbox and too, 2 just wanted to annoy people by taking pics in forge.
  5. wiggums

    wiggums Guest

    When has it been done before?
  6. Born 0n Board

    Born 0n Board Ancient
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    It doesn't really need more interlocking, interlocking is just a tool used to increase maps' quality. And thus being he stated this was older, its all about the fun.

    Sure this map has shield doors and the layout is simplistic in nature but that doesn't detract from the over all fun. I can see long narrow hallways perfect for bounce shots and quick scopes. I am going to play on this tonight before I head off into matchmaking, it looks ideal for my warm up.
  7. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    no offense because this looks good but i have one question, it looks as if there is going to be quite alot of spawn killing seeing as the people spawn in the excat same places and if they step out of the shield doors their head is at the perfect level for a quick headshot. also, well i guess this next part might not be much of a problem but,
    what if there was a guy and he just stayed in his "bubble" of shield doors on a 2 player game, would'nt he win most of the time because player 2 would have to go after him and he'd be waiting?
    also one last question, is there a roof? if its in the text im sorry i just had to get to my questions and if i find that there is a roof i'll probably dl,
    good day sir,
    pinohkio out...
    edit, i reread the post a bit more carefully and after understanding what |X| was i seen the part of the roof, my bad on not noticing XD
  8. xFr1ct10nx

    xFr1ct10nx Ancient
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    well well well, look what we have here. you'd think id give u **** for this wiggy.

    Actually, it looks kinda nice for an old map. i mean, as long as a map plays good it shouldnt be a problem for me. It could be a bit neater, which annoys me when its not. but i would like to find out how it plays. a small problem it looks like would be where the doors are. a possible camping spot(4 actually). some of it looks neat like where the shield doors are, im sure they would provide great standoffs. i love the fact that its not just a square, but has a couple other paths to take, unlike the popular and crappy sniper pit map. I may download after i check out some gameplay with you this weekend, possibly during our RLG night. you decide, but i have too much dloads on my list already. FX out.

    MAP MAKER Ancient
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    I think you could definaly make this map more interesting, you could have two levels with a bit in the midle on the top floor that is jumpable but you can drop down in the middle that would be sweet. Also bang some beam rifles and some regens perhaps as this would increase the fun, also you could start by having mongeese, then say after three mins the sheild doors appear so you can carry on without them, obvioulsy you wanna put the geese outta the way after this period so have them spawn somewhere out of the way, covered, and accesseble. Looks fun though NICE WORK ;}
  10. MichMaster32

    MichMaster32 Ancient
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    the map looks like it would be really fun to play snipers on. but the only problem is that the shield doors allow people to camp and wait for people to run out and then shoot them. i would take them out.
  11. wiggums

    wiggums Guest

    thanks for all the comments guys.
    I'm making a better version of this, Just because it will improve the quality of the games.
    I am thinking of making an artificial floor, and not use the original Foundry ugly ground.
    Also, lowering the ceiling to give a different feel will be most likely what I am going to change.
    As for the Shield doors, they stay.

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