Half Av Map Pack

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Kitten X, Feb 24, 2009.

  1. Kitten X

    Kitten X Ancient
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    Half Av Map Pack
    Created by Bahh

    Over the past couple of months I've been forging on and off on my previous map Half Av Speed, increasing the wall height, updating the Rocket Race version, and creating a version suitable for all default gametypes. I also created my own infection variant on Half Av. On Sunday I officially finished testing all versions and then began taking screenshots.

    Now I present to you, "The Half Av Map Pack"...

    View the Half Av File Set (coming soon!)


    Recall 57
    Created by Bahh- All default gametypes enabled

    This map is best suited for asymmetric objective game variants as well as big FFA matches and Team Slayer, too. Although it is enabled to play all variants, those are just the suggested. The recommended amount of players is 8-12.

    The best way to describe the style of gameplay is to compare the similarities with High Ground. In other words, one side (the attackers) spawns away from the base; the other side (the defenders) spawns within the base.











    Download Recall 57


    Half Av Speed v3
    Created by Bahh- Rocket Race enabled

    Half Av Speed is a Rocket Race orientated map. The current version of Avalanche Speed is solely based on luck, unlike my version. You see, Half Av Speed is split in half so the destinations spawn only on one side. Therefore, each team has a fair advantage when it comes to transporting their VIP to each destination. However, my map provides more "hardcore" situations when facing your opponents.

    This map should usually be used for smaller RR parties with party sizes of three teams of two. Although this map is enabled for four teams, three teams are the recommended.






    Download Half Av Speed
    Download Rocket Race


    Outbreak 57
    Created by Bahh- Infection map variant of Recall 57

    There’s not much difference in the geometry of Outbreak and Recall. The only major differences are the spawns and the weapon placement so it can suit the infection game variant.

    This map is similar to High Ground’s infection variants due to the defensive-geometry style. The recommended amount of players is 9-15 give or take a little depending on the players.




    Download Outbreak 57
    Download Recovery (infection variant)


    Half Av Template
    Created by Bahh

    There’s not much to describe about this map. It uses the same, exact wall used for the above maps. Every individual weapon, vehicle, equipment, scenery, teleporter, spawner, and goal object has been removed besides the objects used in the wall and a single respawn point.

    If you do decide to utilize this wall in your map, I require either consent and/or acknowledgement of me creating the wall.



    Download Half Av Template


    Special Thanks

    I’d like to thank the following people for helping with the production and testing of these maps (not in any specific order):

    · toga
    · iZumi
    · Dthen
    · Grunt Sniper 53
    · Bartoge
    · evilvillager
    · Sotha Sil156
    · Bill117
    · Chronik

    If you helped with the production and/or testing of any of the maps featured in this map pack, please comment and I will add you to this list. I know there are more of you...


    The Maps/Gametypes(again)

    Download Recall 57

    Download Half Av Speed
    Download Rocket Race

    Download Outbreak 57
    Download Recovery (infection variant for Outbreak)

    Download Half Av Template



    Before you comment, I must ask that you provide as much pro and con criticism as you can regarding this map pack. Please download every variant before you choose to flame me and don't just base your information on the screenshots.

    Thank you very much if you downloaded, which I insist you do, and commented on this series.
    #1 Kitten X, Feb 24, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2009
  2. Sotha Sil156

    Sotha Sil156 Ancient
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    I helped test this map, as as I did, I can say that it is rather good. The giant wall, though being different colors, is very well forged.

    Rocket race was fun, though the destination placement could be tweaked a little, and I played team slayer on the default version, which could have better weapon placement, unless you fixed that. I like that you geomerged single boxes, for they both add cover to what was a sparse map and tie the random double boxes on its outskirts into the map's ascetics. I see that you also added a turret to the main structure, though I don't know how that will affect gameplay in asymmetric games, which I assume it is used in, since I never played an asymmetric game on it. We will have to play it again sometime.
  3. Kitten X

    Kitten X Ancient
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    The turret is only featured in the infection map variant. I will take the rest of your post into consideration for a possible v2.
  4. Joen@thanishere

    Joen@thanishere Ancient
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    awesome! finally someone makes a free available half map of av! with the maps, they're kinda average looking tho, but nothing looks slopy, and the wall is nice and smooth. 3/5 overall
  5. nuvnuv123

    nuvnuv123 Ancient
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    awesome, i havnt seen a map pack in a while, that to an avalanche one.
  6. Chron

    Chron Ancient
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    i guess i would be considered a helper seeing i was in Sotha's Party when he played with you one time >: [ lol just kidding but anyway onto the review.

    I played Recall with you, Sotha and Some others. The gameplay was quite good. I didn't find any problems except u seemed to notice one with the spawns how the other team kept spawning at the base. Anyway. The only real problem was that half the time the teams were just fighting in that middle structure (which by the way is excellently forged i love it) but that isn't that big of a deal. i would give a 4/5 for the map.

    I also think i played the Half Av Speed map with you aswell. Cutting off half of avalanche i think was a good move ( clearly lol) this provides very intense rocket battles while desperately trying to get to the destinations. In all honesty this map actually brought me back into Rocket Race ( i Abandoned it a while ago) and i will be downloading it after the comment. i give this map a 4.5/5

    THE WALL is greatly forged in my opinon, i'm pretty sure i didn't see any gap there. Lol thats all i can really say about it. THE WALLS GAMEPLAY IS AMAZING

    Great job on the maps and i expect to see more from you in the future : ]
  7. SVV33T SAUC3

    SVV33T SAUC3 Ancient
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    Oh, I remember testing Outbreak a long time ago for like 2 hours and then I lagged out. It was a whole lot of fun. The merging was perfect. I had almost forgotten about this. It is a lot of fun.
  8. Toxic Spade

    Toxic Spade Ancient
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    I like how you blocked off the other side of Avalanche. I recently constructed one myself that looks a bit different from this one. I'm not sure if your the one who made the older version of half av, but this wall looks more convincing that players cannot get to the other side. I'm going to download this one and check it out and see how well it plays with rocket race.
  9. Kitten X

    Kitten X Ancient
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    If you did see another Half Av map, it was either my Rocket Race version or Sotha Sil's Half Cab.
  10. iZumi

    iZumi Ancient
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    WOO I made my debut in pics 4 and 10, 4 being me running the flag the wrong way, and 10 being me emerging from a successful mongoose betrayal. I liked recall 57 a lot, it played out intensely all about instead of just one main skirmish point, but to me it felt like it was missing something for it's size and geometry (perhaps a laser or a warthog). I didn't play anything else, but there's not really any way you can make a rocket race map out in the middle of an open field and it ending up bad.
  11. MichMaster32

    MichMaster32 Ancient
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    the map is very well forged. its the best part of the map. i like the structures. it looks like it could support a very nice game. i like ho a lot of it is geomerged and interlocked. it looks very nice. 5/5

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