Foundry Wangle

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Big J 0526, Feb 26, 2009.

  1. Big J 0526

    Big J 0526 Ancient
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    Recommended Number of Players:
    Recommended Gametypes: Team Slayer, King of the Hill, Oddball, Neutral Assault

    Wangle's looks can be quite deceiving. At first glance, the map seems to be empty minus the "base" areas and the back portion. However, look after a while and a entire middle structure spawns, adding a new dimension to the map. A map built for fast paced action with lots of BR and Carbine fire, Wangle is my first true Forged map.

    Wide Angle Shot

    A look at the back portion of the map with some of the middle in sight

    Middle Structure

    Another Wide Angle, this one from the opposite side

    Q: OMG this mAp haz n0 int3rlocking or geo-merging!!!1 WTH?!?!
    A: I do not know how to interlock or geo-merge.

    Download: Halo 3 File Details

    Yes, I know this map is nowhere near the quality of most, if not all, maps on this site. However, I figured you guys and girls could give me some pointers to improve my forging. Thanks!!
  2. madz333

    madz333 Ancient
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    I saw that you don't know how to interlock, but that doesn't matter, you can still make a good map. I suggest that you still check out Forging 101 to learn. Now, the map looks relatively empty and I can't see what types of weapons you have on it. For Aesthetics People recommend that you turn boxes and bridges upside-down. I would add more objects and maybe a second layer. i believe that this could be a very good map, it has great ideas and if you use interlocking etc. and add more things it could be very good. YAY 1st post!!!!1!!
  3. PaNdeMic

    PaNdeMic Ancient
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    dang 6 - 12 people on this map seems like allot. it looks a little open.
  4. SM3JAY

    SM3JAY Ancient
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    I absolutely agree with madz. It looks like your serious about forging so I strongly suggest you visit forging 101. That was where I first learned how to interlock and geomerge. You got true potential you just haven't learned how to use it yet. Keep up the good forging!!!
  5. noklu

    noklu Ancient
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    I'd just like to say good first post and a nice map. To get a better feel of the map I recommend putting in a weapon list. Also i think that this map could support vehicles quite nicely-lots of open areas. Also try putting in more levels and ways up on to the upper roadways.
    Good Forging in the future!!
  6. toasted kittuns

    toasted kittuns Ancient
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    good map for your first 'real' map, i also suggest you look at forging 101 so you can improve on your future maps. 3/5
  7. MichMaster32

    MichMaster32 Ancient
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    the map is good for what you know. like everyone said visit forging 101 it does a very good job explaining how to do things. if you ever need any help or need someone to explain interlocking or geomerging first hand. PM me on forge-hub. and we can get together and i can show you what i know. check out my maps too. you might get some questions you want to ask me from their.
  8. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
    Forge Critic Banned Senior Member

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    Well for someone who doesnt know how to interlock, it looks like you built a decent map. Just looking at the screenshots, you can see how the gaemplay would fall on this map, and it looks like GP would be great, just learn how to interlock and geomerge and youll go plces.
  9. waterflame

    waterflame Ancient
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    yeah so its okay i subgest sinking the biges and prehaps check out foring one o one yeah i not the best forger etheir so check out the turiorals it help interlocking usally makes maps better in most cases so good luck
    keep forge :)
  10. Bootsie 22

    Bootsie 22 Ancient
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    you probably want to avoid just having two obvious levels. Having all the items on the ground floor can be alright but it usually looks a bit bland-also adds to that "too open" concept
  11. Big J 0526

    Big J 0526 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Weapon List:
    8 Battle Rifles
    8 Carbines
    4 SMG's
    2 Plasma Pistols
    1 Gravity Hammer
    1 Needler
    4 Frag Grenades

    Also, I had never thought about vehicles. To be honest, I don't think any would fit minus a Mongoose or two. There are no anti-vehicle weapons on the map, so wouldn't say, a Ghost become a dominant force on this map?

    PS, thanks for the nice replies. I was kind of intimidated by all the amazing maps. I'll be sure to check out Forging 101 to learn all the advanced forging techniques in time for my next project: A Sandbox 3 leveled CTF-designed map.

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