Run's Nest

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by c5c, Feb 23, 2009.

  1. c5c

    c5c Ancient
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    Run's Nest: by c5c

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    Rat's Nest with the middle closed off from the outside ring. Fun infection map thats best with 6+ players. Humans are slow and must get in vehicles to survive. Zombies are fast, and have gravity hammers and energy swords to combat the vehicles. The more people you have, the more fun this simple map and gametype become.
    players begin the game, as you can see, the way inside is blocked off.

    Infected attacking a chopper.

    the numerous hallways are blocked off with barricades, which can be broken through. Players are bound by the honor rule not to go inside.

    thanks for any comments and criticism. its a very simple map but me and my friends have been enjoying it for a long time, and i thought i would share it with the rest of you.

    if you do spawn inside, which sometimes happens, there is a teleporter which brings you outside in the center.
  2. Shenanigans.nom

    Shenanigans.nom Ancient
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    I like the idea but defenetly do a v2
    Its a little sloppy and could use some interlocking. For blocking off the hallways use weapon holders or teleporters to hold them in place
  3. Bootsie 22

    Bootsie 22 Ancient
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    I like the idea of keep everyone in vehicles, but there could be a lot of problems with this.
    - rats nest is a little confined for all vehicular use. You should choose a bigger map for this idea
    -you said the humans are slow. This can be good to convince players to stay in vehicles but I would place the spawn points closer to the vehicles. I am imagining at 25% speed (correct me if i'm wrong) it would take a while to get to the vehicles.

    By the way, when you block off the middle, be sure to avoid gaps (it adds to the "sloppy" thing)
  4. AItius

    AItius Ancient
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    This problem may be happening because there are too few spawn points on the map, the spawn points are blocked, or you simply did not delete the ones on the inside. In any case, I would suggest that you fix this as soon as possible, so that it does not detract from the gameplay.

    Also, I noticed that you said people are on the honor rule due to the movable barriers. >This< is a link that should help. You can make objects that are normally breakable or movable into immovable objects. To see this in action, go >here<. This is a map I made, with behind the scenes screenshots to help you see how to make this technique work. Now, I know some people might view this as spam or advertising, but this is to help someone make a map better.
  5. Death Height

    Death Height Ancient
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    yeah looks okay, couldbe improved, better or more merging especially
  6. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    please name 1 or 2 spots where merging and interlocking would benefit or help the maps gameplay in any way.
  7. Gun Down

    Gun Down Ancient
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    I did something like this that Im planing to post. This is pretty sloppy to me. Also we need more pics.
  8. c5c

    c5c Ancient
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    pics of what?
    its rats nest with the inside closed off.
    it doesnt even matter what it looks like, its very much gameplay and very little map.
  9. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    I think this is majorly what they were referring to.

    This looks like a decent map and all vehicles is interesting, but I'm afraid it won't work too well. First, you want to make sure the map is neat. So maybe merging that bridge into the wall in the above picture would help you. I know you know a good deal about cleanness because I have seen your graphics here.
    And a major upset is all spawning together. You should adjust so that people spawn all around the map and need to get in a vehicle. All spawning there will just encourage spawn camping by the zombies. Otherwise, this seems to be a pretty interesting map.
  10. Wolverine

    Wolverine Ancient
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    It is pretty cool but needs interlocking and needs to be less sloppy. One of the bridges is MAJORLY messed up. Also you can easily get inside by knocking down the barriers. Use reciever nodes or wepon holders to hold them in. 2.8/5
  11. SM3JAY

    SM3JAY Ancient
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    The general idea of this is good but definately what everyone else said: needs a v2 or at least an upgraded v1. And from your pics you cant tell what the heck it is about. Concept: GOOD------- Map Neatness: BAD-------- Playability: DESCENT
  12. MichMaster32

    MichMaster32 Ancient
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    i would agree with most people when saying that the map needs to be neater. unless thats the look you are going for. overall looks like a nice map that i can have a lot of fun on. you have some nice forging skills. i hope to see more from you.
  13. c5c

    c5c Ancient
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    alright, thanks.

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