Stationary V2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by A hobo, Feb 23, 2009.


Do the falling objects help?

  1. Yes

    5 vote(s)
  2. No

    5 vote(s)
  1. A hobo

    A hobo Ancient
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    Map: Stationary V2
    Gametype: Threat V2
    Created by EconomyPuppy

    The thing I don't understand is some ideas for aesthics. There is nothing I can come up with. I'll read the suggestions, and make the idea.
    Version Two
    The second installation of Stationary, and it came fast. Some minor and major fixes to this very simple game, V2 allows falling objects, a fixed zombie base (which would really annoy some people), and a launcher. The aesthics are in the launcher (kind of crappy, I'm not the best athestic person). Anyways, onto the description.

    This is a fairly simple game and design. The humans have to defend from their point on the ground, because zombies have taken over a poorly-built military simulation of a UFO. These zombies are falling out of the sky, onto the humans, trying to infect them. The humans, on the other hand, don't want to eat lunch so they put as much led into the zombies as they can (And that's a lot...). The zombies are fairly weak, and die in one shot. But that doesn't exactly mean that it's easy for the humans. The zombies have a deployable cover that doesn't respawn, and at the two minute mark, fusion coils to push over to kill the humans*. They also can fall behind cover, which spawns every so often, usually endangering the human's lives. When the zombies get to the floor, the humans usually (almost always) panic and shoot randomly.Then, you and your friends can usually wipe them out. [For 8-16 players ONLY.]

    The zombies started coming. They just swarmed us. I blame Matt, if he didn't send out that damn distress call, we wouldn't be screwed. Now those..things...are just pouring out of the sky. There's no end to them. I don't really think I'll make it, but just in case, we contacted military through the signal to help pick us up. Right now we're trapped in a old military base, with a cannon to help us pick off those freaks. I can't believe that we found that sniper and magnum, because we're gonna need them. Every bullet's an extra second, a body crunching the floor when their bones break, all part of life here. We've only survived a couple minutes now, or it could be days. Who knows in this hell?

    Insta kill
    Sniper Primary
    Magnum Secondary
    200% Gravity
    Normal Speed
    Full waypoint, to friendlies and zombies
    Radar of Allies

    Insta kill
    Sword primary
    50% Gravity
    150% Speed
    Full waypoint, to friendlies and humans

    Enhanced Radar


    This is the Human Base

    This is the Zombie Start (Ship)

    Zombie Start Underside

    This is the Launcher, it'll save your life, or kick your butt.

    This is me, being an idiot, and got myself stuck in the launcher.

    Items that fall (just some).

    Action Shot, me falling on the unsuspecting

    Another Action Shot, this time me getting shot in the face. Yay.

    Download Links
    Stationary V2
    Threat V2
    #1 A hobo, Feb 23, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2009
  2. rewib65

    rewib65 Ancient
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    i like how you added falling objects to the level and changed the zombies so they die in one hit. cuz (correct me if im wrong) your v1 the zombies didnt die quite as quickly, and it seemed like they would be too strong
  3. red steel

    red steel Ancient
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    Its good that you fixed your map but next time if you do more testing in custom games you wont have the problem of fixing your map the same day you it posted it and then re-posting. if you need help testing send me a message and a friend request ill be glad to help, my gamertag is Ox Red Steel xO
  4. KilerG

    KilerG Ancient
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    Looks like you took my idea of the falling objects into consideration. I like the launcher, it looks pretty cool. If you want better aesthetics, try merging boxes together, make a nice launcher out of that, and maybe add a cool decoration to it. Make the spot for the humans a little different, maybe with some cool stuff on the walls?
  5. xxDeeJxx

    xxDeeJxx Ancient
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    say something about the map, or it's spam.

    haha, glad to see you made the second version so soon,
    the falling objects are a nice touch,
    but you didn't make the barriers around the human area higher, and it would be easy for them to escape still.
    overall, nicer, nice map, simple yet fun

    p.s. i think you should make a hole in the middle of the UFO for the zombies to drop through
  6. SM3JAY

    SM3JAY Ancient
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    I was just curius before I DL can the humans really escape from the base? it looks from the pics that they could get out easily but maybe not.
  7. Wolverine

    Wolverine Ancient
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    Nothing fancy. The zombie base is just boring the human base is BLAH. A different map and work on the bases. For now 2/5
  8. toasted kittuns

    toasted kittuns Ancient
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    very interesting map, it's definitely something i haven't seen before. the merging looks pretty clean and gameplay looks fun. 4/5 for creativeness, i'm probably dl-ing this.
  9. toasted kittuns

    toasted kittuns Ancient
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    since when did everything have to be geomerged/interlocked? it doesn't really matter about the matter of forge skill someone possesses, but rather how exciting the gameplay actually is.
  10. MichMaster32

    MichMaster32 Ancient
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    the Map is very nice. the idea for infection is very simple. you did a very nice job picking the best spot to make your map at. very cool to include the launcher. im sure its saved more than a couple of lives. very nice job i hope to see more from you in the future.
  11. A hobo

    A hobo Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The thing I don't understand is some ideas for aesthics. There is nothing I can come up with. I'll read the suggestions, and make the idea. Anything, I guess to make the map better.
  12. superguh007

    superguh007 Ancient
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    Bam. Great job, you fixed all of my complaints with v1. You could still put human aesthetics outside the arena of play, like a camping stool plus radio tower, but whatever, it's a mini game, and I'm satisfied with it the way it is. You have my DL.

    X1BLACKOUT1X Ancient
    Senior Member

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    DL link not working. Please fix
  14. UcNtBeAtMe4

    UcNtBeAtMe4 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    3/5 i like the objects that fly down but i dont realy like standoff

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