Hello guys i made this map for me and my friends to warmup our BR before we jump in matchmaking. Its an 8 player max 2 in the field and 6 can watch from spectator boxes Heres a pic ill have more later including action shots Heres a link to the map http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=67455368 Heres a link to the Game type http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=67455377 Heres more pics Heres] a pic of the outside yes this is the only thing on the map
Can you please add more pictures? because I'm not even sure if its a whole map, or is it just that box? When you add more pics i might download Also i cant find a download link. FIRST POST!
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You know this kind of thing has been made before. Better. And bigger. 1/5 forging. Same for idea and same for playability. Sorry. This has been done before.
i know this has been done before but u also need to get good at semi close range BR thats why i made this one and it wasnt meant to look pretty its just a warm up map
dude, u r correct kacklin. im glad u have gotten away from sole aesthetics for a simple warm up map. i congratulate ur efforts.
I think that even though you made this for close BR encounters theres still no element of close range pluss theres no grenade or melee help in this you would have been better off making a real mini game not a training section which belongs more in the aesthetic section. I dont see how this would help even a noob with BRs lol. Theyd be saying why am I in a box In this super tiny area with no nade or melee ability. You basicaly get launced right to an oppentent and melee shoot then next round its to fast to small and it doesnt simulate real elements.
I'm not sure I like the idea of spectator boxes. They are fine for other things, but if this was to be a warm-up, i'd want to warm-up, not watch.
the map is very hard to understand. i dont know if you can get up to the top open boxes but even if you could you couldnt be able to shoot out of them. idk man. it seems like a fail to me. i would encourage more room. the map doesnt flow well. just take this as a practice map and move on to make a better map. i think if you practice you can really produce some nice work.
This map type has been done, and overdone to a point that I don't even want to see it anymore. I'm not trying to be harsh, but the forging for this map is horrible, and the idea is much too unoriginal.