Hello ForeHub and welcome to Zone 52: Lets start off with credits, basically every Ghost Town map to date i am crediting because i pretty much incorporated all the ideas from these maps into mine. I wanted to create a causal map that used almost every part of ghost town without having to add many of my own catwalks etc. Teleporters play a role in this game and allow you to go places you could not before. So without further delay the pictures: Blue Base: Red Base "loft area" : Crack Tunnel: Crack House: Snipe Island: Rocket TreeHouse: OS Tunnel: Garage: The Pit: Street side: Loft Window: Now some Action Shots: Good head shot Flag Toss form loft Peek a Boo Rocket oh my Blue flag cap This map supports pretty much every game type, Infection may not be so smart though. Holds 6 teams for slayer, oddball, neutral assault "though it may not be wise". Map is perfect for CTF as shown very well balanced and has multiple opportunities to change up game play. Weapon Statistics: 8x Battle Rifles 6x Carbine 1x Shotgun 4x Smg's 1x Sniper 1x Rocket Launcher 1x Spiker 1x Magnum 1x Brute Shot 1x Mauler 1x Plasma Rifle 15x Frags 12x Stickies 2x Spike grenades Equipment: 1x Regen "red Base" 1x Bubble Shield "blue Base" 1x Power Drain "Tunnel in middle" 1 OS 1 Invis 1 Mongoose in Garage Well this is my map, im working on more for Ghost Town so look for them in the future. Have Fun! Download: http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=67480916
really cool man! i like how u got the teleporter in the little place for the snipe island! the blue base is beast. the only thing i dont like is that it seems like u blocked off almost too many walk ways. great asthetics and its overall pretty awesome! ill DL and see how the gameplay is. 10/10
well its not so much there blocked off its just that if your playing RvB "two teams" you won't really use them, especially in CTF and Assault but in slayer maybe so. Oh btw i had to fix a spawn or 2 so i put a new download on it.
This looks pretty cool. I really like that " loft area " thing. It looks really sweet. I say 4.5/5 for building it on ghost town and creativity. Nice Job!!! The blue base looks awesome and I cannot wait to play some CTF on this!!!
Oh just a side note if anyone wants to play or help me test some of my new maps coming up just pm me here or XBL CaptnSTFU
This is obviously very similar to the early ghost town, but it definately should qualify as a different version, as it provides access to new areas.
Very Nice! I would almost give you five stars just for building on another level besides foundry but you made a awesome playable map on a map most forgers myself included gave up on long ago. Great job 5/5!
well there isnt much new besides blocking off a few areas. however, you did add a couple new areas. the "loft" is a masterpiece. very, very good idea. the treehouse also looked very awesome. unfortunately, two awesome areas in ghost town isnt gonna make ghost town fun. that is, unless ur into camping. anyway, the aesthetics are very nice. id say 4/5 for going the distance and nicely blocking off certain areas and the loft and treehouse. and for even trying to make a good map on ghost town. if u keep adding on more areas to the map like the loft and treehouse, and fill the map with them, ur looking at a feature. keep forging
finally a good non foundry map, i was tired of every single map being foundry this is the first non-infection ghost town that deserves your downloads
Thanks all you guys for the support, a V2 of this map will have a complete 2nd lvl loft for Red team that includes a ramp to it instead of teleporters that way you can go to and fro from 2 diff angles.
wow... thx a lot i had this idea first except i need to finish it and its different; i used what you called the loft area but my maps way better and i have a template i will relaes both my map and the template when i get the teles up in "the loft"
this is a really good map, great asthetics and very playable 10/10 mind if I use this in a machinima I'm working on?
the map looks decent, there's just one thing I'm not to happy about which is the tree house. I know for a fact that it was pretty much taken from my map because it looks exactly like me and syko's just revised. The teleporter is even there, just not tele-tapped. I'm not going to press the issue but, I'm not ok with it. Whatever. Other parts of the map look ok but need to be geo-merged. I WILL get a game on this and comment later this map receives a 3/5 from me right now because its not bad, it has some good qualities.
This map looks great. Ghost town maps are hard but you pulled it off. And by the way is this by any chance a little bit modded? No-offense it's just really good and one of the bases used an item i've never seen. Anyway you can't interlock so that's out of the question but everything is good. 5/5 by the way I love the red base
Yea on the first post i put almost every map on Ghost Town to date, i did take your idea but mine is not a neat, and as you said not tele-tapped, V2 won't have have it i just thought how awesome it worked for your map so i tried. Also the Sniper tele, and tunnel tele were not my idea they are from Delusion, and i think Marooned mb? idk i can't remember anymore. Oh and to all who want to use this map for Max Cinema or w/e go ahead i don't care its for everyone to build of off.
Looks cool, I was actually working on a map above ghost town, but looks like you beat me to the punch. I hope you know its possible to put spawns up there, you might have I just havent played it yet, but it was tricky as heck to figure putting spawn above the map for me.
Oh yea i know you can put spawns but i fixed starting spawns on the second floor and put Flag up there only, it makes it more interesting for game play.
No lol its not modded started by deleting everything off map, and what object do you mean?? i only used the Barriers and Barricades for one base and then Bridges and Ramps for the other.