Zombie maps should I post...

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Arvas, Feb 25, 2009.


Should I post these maps or not?

Poll closed Mar 4, 2009.
  1. Yes!!! I'm dieing to play these maps!

  2. Phhht! Who cares about zombie maps? Or you!?!

  1. Arvas

    Arvas Ancient
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    Ever since I've completely forgoten about this website, I've created a map that I call Last Stand... They are obviously based of the premace that you are humans making a last stand against the zombie horde that will soon devour the whole human civilazation.... basically your screwed. I enjoy this but never bothered to post it becaue I felt even thought this forum set out to be unlike bungie... posts still end up getting burried therefore I never bothered to post it.

    Well... a while after that I created Last Stand 2... taking the original map and adding to it making it better... and not long after that I created a 3rd Last Stand varient with a new type of gameplay (only slightly) So now I'm wondering if I should again trust forgehub with my precious maps...

    If that isn't enough information for you here are some specs:

    In the gametype 50% of the playes start as the zombies... slow stupid and very VERY powerfull... and the other 50% start as humans, with SMGs! But little do they know that SMGs will do ASOLUTELY nothing to these zombies, because this varient of zombies is meant to be as realistic as possible... (yes, I know it's zombies) So only destroying the head or removing the brain (A.K.A. Boom Headshot) will kill these Zombies...

    Now onto the maps...

    They are mostly aesithetic so not all that pretty for a forge point of view... you me be saying WHAT?!?!? AESTHETIC = NOT PRETTY?!?! Well howpretty do you think your hometown would be if it had been invaded by zombies? Huh?! So yes its aesthetic and NO AMMO RESPAWNS... I repeat, NO AMMO RESPAWNS... survivors are foced to work together to scavange for ammo andsurvive the zombie apocolypse together...


    Should I post this Map Series? Should I?!?!?

    EDIT: Poll will close in 7 days Ooooooo....
    #1 Arvas, Feb 25, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2009
  2. RomanSparky

    RomanSparky Ancient
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    woot! lol. first vote. but sure, i'll play/rate the maps, as best as I can.
  3. zeppelinboy777

    zeppelinboy777 Ancient
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    Why would you not... If you want feedback and more downloads then post it. I've also been wanting a good so bid map besides Manifest for a while. However, making slow, headshot zombies doesn't sound like a good idea. Also giving them SMGs that do nothing sounds silly. Maybe head over to the testers guild an see if you can get it tested first.
  4. Arvas

    Arvas Ancient
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    true, true. but we have tested this multiple times... it is rather fun if everyone plays how they're supposed to... eve though the zombies die alot eventually the humand are going to run out of ammo and then its pay back time!
  5. zeppelinboy777

    zeppelinboy777 Ancient
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    That doesn't seem too fun for the zombies. You can't have the philosophy, "The humans I'll run out of ammo eventually". To create the perfect zombie map, you have to make it so that a perfect team will survive to end, but a coordinated zombie team can take them down. Also, there shouldn't be any honor rules. You have to assume that everyone will break every rule you have, and you have to make the map work even if they break the rules.
  6. Arvas

    Arvas Ancient
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    there arent any honors rule... but some people as szombies turn around and jump backwards at the humans to make it harder... which gets annoying but you can still kill em... you just end up wasting more ammo... on to the poblem of ammo... you run out of ammo fast and i mean FAST!!! and the first 2 maps have no time limit.... the 3rd one does and is easy t survive, but a good zombie team can win...

    PS: Sorry for spelling errors and things of that nature im horrible at catching myself until its alreay up i don't bother editing my posts for spelling errors...
  7. Undead Fanatic

    Undead Fanatic Ancient
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    Go for it. But they'd better not be crap.
  8. Arvas

    Arvas Ancient
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    or what? wou'll murder me? 0.0 how could you?!?
  9. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    It's actually removing the head or detroying the brain, not "destroying the head or removing the brain".

    But yeah, I don't see any harm in posting this map. Might get frowned upon if you don't interlock but other than that nothing bad can come of it.

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