Foundry Wellspring

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Chozo Requiem, Feb 25, 2009.

  1. Chozo Requiem

    Chozo Requiem Ancient
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    Forged by Chozo7


    Decades ago, long before the war with the Covenant, this place was a water treatment facility that pumped water out of an underground spring but as time passed it was abandoned and fell into disrepair. However after the covenant invasion of Earth the ancient facility was reactivated in order to provide water to the thousands of refugees living in camps to the south of the facility. Of course this got the attention of the brutes and now the UNSC must defend the spring and the facility at all costs.

    Wellspring is an asymmetrical map that features a unique layout, terrific aesthetics, and epic gameplay. The main and most noticeable aspect of the map is the big hill blocking off the “02 base” area of foundry. The area blocked off by that hill becomes the defenders base which includes the flag spawn for 1 flag gametypes as well as catwalks and multiple secret entrances. One such entrance goes under the hill itself and another is located under the floorboards of the building on top of the hill.




    The other notable aesthetic of the map is the waterfall in front of the defenders base. The water from this waterfall is coming directly from the underground spring and it is falling into the canal which transports it to the refugee camp. Behind the waterfall is another secret entrance to the base and on top is a sniper rifle.


    The inside of the base includes the defenders flag spawn, a shotgun, and a variety of other weapons and grenades as well as a lift that takes you to the top of the hill.



    The other half of the defenders side is the canal where you can find the active camo, the gravity hammer and the guard tower.





    On the attackers side of the map there are the ruined remains of a humble building whose original purpose is long forgotten. Its current purpose is to provide shelter for another shotgun and sniper rifle as well as a bubble shield to give the attackers some cover while they are assaulting the hill.




    The other structure on the attackers side is the “shed” which houses the gausshog. This really isn’t a vehicle map because it is really hard to maneuver the bulky vehicles around all of the crates and walls but the gausshog makes for some really fun gameplay on this map. The attackers can use the gausshog to lay down fire on the defenders base to keep them pinned down while the defenders can use the gausshog to wreak havoc on the attackers side. It is also important to note that the gausshog is not overpowered at all on this map because its mobility is so limited and it is easily put out of action by grenades, the power drainer, or a simple hijacking. However its not completely useless either as it can deal a lot of damage in a short amount of time but more importantly it provides a lot of fun and a good laugh.



    You have probably already guessed based on the screenshots and the description that this map is made for asymmetric gametypes but it is also set up for every other gametype. However the best gametypes for this map and the ones I recommend are one-flag, one-bomb, team slayer, FFA slayer, or FFA KOTH. I also recommend between 4 to 8 players in FFA games and 3 to 6 people per side in team games for best results.

    Weapon List:
    8 Frag Grenades / 20 second respawn
    8 Spike Grenades / 20 second respawn
    3 Magnums / 30 second respawn / 2 spare clips
    1 Plasma Pistol / 30 second respawn
    4 Smgs /30 second respawn / 2 spare clips
    2 Plasma Rifles / 30 second respawn
    2 Assault Rifles / 30 second respawn / 2 spare clips
    2 Brute Shots / 45 second respawn / 2 spare clips
    7 Carbines / 30-45 second respawn / 2 spare clips
    7 Battle Rifles / 30-45 second respawn / 2 spare clips
    2 Shotguns / 90-120 second respawn / 0 spare clips
    2 Sniper Rifles / 120 second respawn/ 1 spare clip
    1 Gravity Hammer / 120 second respawn
    1 Laser / 90 second respawn
    1 Active Camo / 120 second respawn
    1 Power Drainer / 90 second respawn
    1 Regenerator / 90 second respawn
    1 Bubble Shield / 90 second respawn

    (A few random pictures for your viewing pleasure)




    Thanks for taking a look at Wellspring and please download. If you are wondering where the name comes from its actually the name for the magical springs from the story behind the tabletop turn based strategy game ‘Heroscape’ created by Hasbro. If you ever get the chance to play Heroscape definitely take it because it’s an amazing game. Also this map was actually made in May of 2008 and I’ve just been too lazy to post it until now. However it hasn’t just been sitting on my hard drive collecting dust, I have been constantly updating and improving it over time so by this point it plays really well and is very fun.

    Thanks again for your time and don’t forget to download.
  2. IDave the Rave

    IDave the Rave Ancient
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    The map looks awesome beautiful aesthetics and I can see some really fun games being played on this, I'll give it a 4/5 because I don't really like the area with the random wall corners, also this doesn't get my download because I keeping my maps clear for the Mythic Map Pack.

    Dave the Rave52
  3. Shenanigans.nom

    Shenanigans.nom Ancient
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    I really like the center with the tower...but the area in pic 8 just seems boring and useless. Otherwise really nice geomerging and regular merging. 4/5

    MAP MAKER Ancient
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    Block off the other side and youve got a download mate, its just pointless.
  5. killbot a61

    killbot a61 Ancient
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    nice talent but i dont like the one empty part in the corner
    and i really dont think foundry maps should have vehicles
  6. waterflame

    waterflame Ancient
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    looks really fun and i like the athitics of th whole map in genral i love the gaurd toward and how you geomerged and interlocked i belive you geomerged i thought i saw some thing like that but yeah good job thats a 4/5 from me and a for sure D/L once i get space
    keep foring do you sudjest any other game types beside Ctf
  7. Like 520 ninjas

    Like 520 ninjas Ancient
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    this map has great gameplay (tested it out w a few freinds :D) and aesthetics. it was hard not to just stare while playing too :p there was also very very few bumps on the map. the only prob was the warthog was overpowered (like the warthog on standof) but other than that great
  8. toasted kittuns

    toasted kittuns Ancient
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    wow, just... wow. this map is EPIC. i can tell you spent a lot of time on this map, it's got amazing interlocking and geomerging. all the map is great EXCEPT

    get rid of the gausshog, replace it with a regular hog or two mongooses. the empty corner in the map subtracts from the awesomeness of this map. the tunnel in the back should be blocked [including the one room behind the "02" base, you know... with the red flag spawn...]
  9. Kitsune Yosh

    Kitsune Yosh Ancient
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    I think this map.....will get featured. The aesthetics are beautiful and the interlocking is amazing. I love how neat the map is. In the fourth picture, I saw pallet and new there would be a secret area, which is great, I love them. I also noticed you have a cave/tunnel thing in the fifth picture. Nice. I love tight spaces as well. You definitely have my download. 4.7/5
  10. ChaoticF34r

    ChaoticF34r Ancient
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    I sense a feature comin ur way. Excellent Map! Very few maps achieve aesthetics, and awesome screenshots!!! Anyway 4.5/5.

    I cant rate gameplay yet cuz I Haven't tried it, so yeah. Great stuff!

    Downloadz Nao
  11. AI_Twitch

    AI_Twitch Ancient
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    Amazing map with a great idea, aesthetics are truly awesome, and the gameplay is quite entertaining. This map has many similarities to the quality of official bungie maps, and this map would not seem out of place if it were to be released as one. I think that this would be deserving of a feature.
  12. Brodellsky

    Brodellsky Ancient
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    Are you people serious!?!?!?
    I hate to rain on your parade, but this map wouldn't even be able to even comprehend what feature-worthy is. There are a few Geomerges, and most things are interlocked, however, that doesn't necessarily make a map feature-worthy.
    This obvious centerpoint of the map is the tower. It's been done before, the two Wall Corners being interlocked. In other words, not at all original. What's worse, is you actually spawn a Sniper right up top next to it, which is something you should never do.
    The rest of the map is really a bunch of objects interlocked together to make some semi-functional structure, which really doesn't have any pro or con to the gameplay of the map at all. All those structures really do is just take up space. There is a little bunkhouse at the top made of some Window Panels, and has a Panel Trap door inside. Both of those things, done before.
    For the Attackers area, there are a few objects placed, and you call it a "building whose purpose is long forgetten." I really don't think it ever had a purpose, it's just kinda there. And then you just throw some randonly placed crates and a few other things and call it a map.

    This map is at best decent, and will never be featured. (If it does, it's only for the staff to prove me wrong, which still won't happen)
    You guys need to really make better map posts than that, and really look at the map before you say, "OMG it shud hav feacher NAOOOOO!!!!"

    - ChAoTiC
  13. Blue Pariot

    Blue Pariot Ancient
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    And you call yourself a map maker? Seriously, did you actually read the post or just look at the pictures? The other side is not pointless and it is a vital part of this map. Your spam was the only thing that was pointless on this thread.

    Chaotic is right on this, one. don't automatically assume a mao should be featured just because of how the pictures look. If you guys go back to the original Pheasant Hunt map you will see that many of the posters were complaining that it was a "maze map." Look at it now, it's probably one of the most memorable maps to be posted here.

    Now I can't really judge your map because I have yet to play a game on it. I wanted to post, though, to explain to some people that you cannot judge a map based on pictures. However, I can say that your map looks very neat with some original concepts to it. There are some unoriginal concepts, though, that have already been previously stated by Chaotic. I like the waterfall but my favorite aesthetic piece on this map is the "shed." It is very simple but is a structure that I haven't seen here, yet. I cannot say this map is horrible or that this map is really good because game play determines a map. I will say good job, though, because you have taken the time to make this map as well as post it.
  14. Brodellsky

    Brodellsky Ancient
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    Actually, the "Shed" is also an unoriginal piece of architecture.
    May I direct you to Aerialis
    Scroll down, you'll see that same "shed" only done first and is Forged much, much better.
  15. penguin asassin

    penguin asassin Ancient
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    is anyone else getting that tunnel rats vibe?
    Anywho, this map is amazing. I love the short range and long range combat, and good job interlocking and such. What im really worried about, though is the gauss hog. Besides the fact that gauss cannons are the most over powered thing, ever, theres really no weapon on this map to take it down. IF you miss with the power drainer, then your pretty much boned. So you might want to add a rocket
  16. iTz HLG nOob

    iTz HLG nOob Ancient
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    very nice interlocking, must of tuck u a while to make this... keep on forgin!

  17. sourdauer

    sourdauer Ancient
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    some people have posted regarding the point that this map doesn't have very many "original" aspects, which makes it a horrible map. i agree, but at the same time, it is veeerry hard, and almost impossible to come up with something completely original. i think the strong point of this map is the way all the "unoriginal concepts come together to make a simply fantastic map. idk if it should be featured, but this map is really good
  18. Chozo Requiem

    Chozo Requiem Ancient
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    Thank you all for your feedback and thanks to those who consider my map to be feature worthy. However I do not believe it is worth featuring because I can forge much better maps than this and there are still things that I would like to improve in this map. Also to those who call my map "unoriginal" if you read the conclusion to my map post you will notice that this map was designed and forged almost a year ago when many of the elements and ideas I used were still fresh and hadn't been done before. Additionally simply stating that a map is unoriginal is not good enough feedback because people, including myself, would appreciate comments on what to improve and constructive criticism on layout and gameplay. Bear in mind too, that even if the individual parts of a map are unoriginal they are never combined or used in the same way in each map and it is those combinations of unoriginal concepts that make a map unique.
  19. DEANM12

    DEANM12 Ancient
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    I think the it should have been a assault so it would tie in to the story to for the brutes to destroy the facility. The water treatment idea is old but you seemed to make more interesting. I liked the 2nd picture but i don't like the waterfall. 4.5/5
  20. Born 0n Board

    Born 0n Board Ancient
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    For starters your presentation in this thread was good. You took some very nice pictures that compliment your map quite well.

    Now I am not certain from a gameplay standpoint but your knowledge and application of forge is evident and reveals itself in the map. You made sure the map had a particular aesthetic feel to it. Structures in this map look well made and go together well.

    The focal point of the map, the little tower seen in the center reminds me of another great urban styled map called Metro. The cover on the ground isn't quite enough to encourage all your play down there or camping but adequate to balance out the tower.

    When I have more thoroughly gone through the map and even played a few games on it I will definitely come back and tell you what I found.
    #20 Born 0n Board, Feb 26, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2009

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