Recently i went to school and i got in the biggest trouble of my life. When leaving the cafeteria to go back to class i made a comment about a bomb. The comment was a direct quote from the youtube video Achmed the dead terrorist! As I said this a teacher happened to be walking by and heard the word bomb and asked me what I was talking about. I answered honestly and truthfully what I had said but I also stated that it originated from a comedy show called Achmed the Dead terrorist that I had previously been viewing on youtube. She then walks me down to the front office and tells me to wait outside when she goes in to talk with the AP. When she motions for me to step inside her office she asks me to explain what happened. So I explained the story above and she listens. When I am finished I am asked if she needs to call the police and evacuate the school. I say "NO" but like everybody I am somewhat scared and I don't seem so confident from the Principles point of view. I am told to sit inside a little room while she evacuates my classroom and the APs discus the situation. I am told to get outside. Except now it isn't the principle it is the Director of resources. The police. For a few hours I am questioned about all sorts of things like the items in my locker and book bag. Some questions asked were about my book. Now if you ask me they shouldn't care about what I read. I happened to be wearing a gears of war shirt that day as well as reading a book called The Road by Cormac McCarthy. The police officer stated that it was a very dark book and that it is based around an apocalyptic event. I am asked why I read the books. I answer because I think that it is a good book. The officer said that this was disturbing which was completely uncalled for. Harry Potter is dark TOO!!!!! I am then brought home from school two hours early. I spend much of my weekend thinking about how I am going to defend myself. I am also taken out of school for most of Monday except for a conference at 2:00. I then go meet with the principal, police officer, all the APs, and 5 teachers. I was found to be Innocent but I was given a referral to the COUNTY which will show up on my permanent record for the rest of my life. I am pretty mad about this and would just like to know what the forgehub community thinks of this situation. Did the school over react. Is a referral to the county insane. Did they react accordingly. What I read is none of their business. GEARS OF WAR SHIRT FTW!!!
I think the school handled this situation pretty well. Upon suspicion of you being a threat to others (I am assuming you are not) in the school, they isolated you from others, called the police, and evacuated your classroom. I do not agree, however, with the referral they gave you. On what grounds was the referral given? The police found no incriminating evidence (the book doesn't count for obvious reasons), and the school staff determined you to be innocent. I am going to make an assumption that you were given the referral because you are to be an example for any future behavior. Personally I am surprised that they didn't call in psychiatrists to evaluate your mental stability (sarcasm).
this is an example of how idiotic the school system has become. even if you were lying and had put a bomb in the school, i still woulda believed it was from the achmed thing(ive seen it, hilarious!). anyway, the first thing they should've done was to look it up on youtube and see what it was all about. then dismissed it.
I think that the school greatly overreacted. From what you said, it seems like they looked for any possible way to get you in trouble and/or make the situation worse. One question, though. Were your parents really mad?
Teachers only have as much power as you give them. You could have just said, "Hell no, I won't go." Then, you should have walked away and called your parents and told them to come to the school.
Terrorists are everywhere these ****ing days. They're our neighbors, our bus drivers, our employees and our bosses. The next logical advance would be to infiltrate our children's generation and recruit young impressionable students with terroristic ideals. Because that's what terrorists do. You're a ****ing terrorist. I know you're trouble, you goddamn terrorist. I can smell it. I can feel it in my patriotic gonads. Each and every one of my American sperms know you're bad, and they're churning with hate and murder inside my burning balls...CHURNING... Your teacher, your principal, the Director of Board, and the police are all loyal Americans. They know that there's an incredibly high chance of our students today becoming suicide bombers. The terrorists spread their message through violent video games and heathen books. They don't believe in God, they only believe in their heretic deity. These blasphemous infidels must be cleansed off the Earth. And so must you.
Whilst the whole thing is pretty silly. It would be something you could just look back on and shrug if it wasn't for the fact they've tarnished your permanent record. It's a fundamental flaw in the justice system though. For example, people that are found innocent of crimes are still stored in police databases. So if you're wrongly convicted of something and happened to be unfortunate enough to get caught up in it all, well tough. You're marked now. A similar situation has occured here. You were misinterpreted and, as it turns out, there was no case here. Once proven not guilty there should be no reprecusions, otherwise what's the point? It would be like being accused of illegal activity on your computer and having it confiscated. Then being found out your were innocent but them still keeping your computer. You've been inconvenienced and tarnished for something that was proven not to be true. So yeah, it doesn't really matter so much that they initially went overboard. It's the fact that the slate hasn't been "wiped clean" that is the real issue. - "Oh hey, lol, you're Racist" - "Oh best fire him for being racist then" - "Oh wait, lol, he's not racist really" - "Oh, oh well, nevermind then. He's still fired though! Pwnd" Justice? YOU DECIDED! lolololol P.S. Just do the American thing and sue them.
i hope nemi was kidding. even if he was, the first thing about them being our neighbors and stuf is just what they want you thinking. that gets people paranoid, and, in effect, terrified as they want you to be. there is no way that school kids will be recruited into terrorist orginazations, especially americans. we have so much hate for them its insane. the teacher shouldve just dismissed it.
wat Anyway, I think the school overreacted. It's good that they are trying to protect the students, but whatever happened to "innocent until proven guilty"? It's absolutely ridiculous how paranoid people have become. Some are still afraid to get on planes since 9/11. What the hell? How often do these kinds of things happen? And why do people assume (important) things about you based on what you read and how you dress? Here I was, thinking we were trying to remove stereotypes. What really drives the situation over the edge is that it went on your permanent record. You should appeal for them to reverse that, because it's quite unfair.
Obviously, if a teacher walks by and hears "Bomb" they are going to ask what you were talking about. They should take it seriously, but going that far is a to much. I mean who cares if the book you read is dark. If a teacher reads a dark book, does that mean he/she is going to kill? The answer is probably not, and this is just another form of stereotypes. Even though schools try to remove stereotypes, its just human nature. If a cop sees a white guy speeding and a black guy speeding, much of the time he might go after the black guy, but when he catches him does he need to ask why he was speeding and why he though the answer to why he was speeding. No, you catch him, ask a few question, give him a ticket and leave. There are flaws in school system everywhere you turn and this is one of the bigger ones. So yeah the should have taken you to the AP and asked you some questions, but when they heard that it was from youtube they should have checked there. Not waste the polices time with the innocent
If I heard the word bomb by a kid wearing a gears of war t-shirt.. I'd also tell someone about it. You can't take risks dude. that's why you can't say bomb or Washington together on the phone... It will just screw you over... But that's amazing that they took it all the way, just because you said bomb. but it's just crazy how serious they take these things. Even if you mean hey you're the bomb dude, they'll rape you up the butt and think you're a suicidal maniac ready to kill hundreds of kids in a matter of seconds!
dont be mad at me, but the school handled this pretty well. In modern day America there is no time for second guesses. I can see why all the board members acted the way they did, and the police officers. But the police officer calling you disturbing? thats wrong. next time, be more vigilant, and probably dont talk about stuff like that in school. lol oh, and talk more quietly
Wow they over-reacted, I understand that the teachers would get a little worried if they heard you talking about a bomb but once the teacher found out it was just a you-tube video you watched they should have stopped. Personally, if that happened to me I would be pretty angry at that teacher for exaggerating sometime so little. This just shows how paranoid some people are getting because terrorists/ terrorism is being spread across the media. Back when my father used to go to school, the kids used to have snowball fights and the teachers would join in too - now we aren't even allowed to pick up snow. When I went to elementary school, the principal canceled my classes end-of-the-year trip to a big swim park because a girl drowned in a pool (a girl who had medical problems and didn't know how to swim - plus, we were scheduled to go 1 week after this).
Well, as i voted for the second choice, they at least took it seriously. I dont know what grade your in or what race you are, but that may have been discrimination in a way. in civics we were just talking about this. i think they did a fairly good job, maybe evacuating the school and taking you to court or whatever, might have been a little bit over the edge. they searched your stuff, and as long as you did not have anything bad in there(like weed or a gun) than you shouldnt have been worried about this, and the school shouldnt have either. I do believe like it states in the constitution that they have the right to search ones property in order to protect others lives or with a search warrant. and they did the right thing in that part. My school actually had a bomb threat before christmas, an actual threat. and they thoroughly searched the school, just about everyones lockers the whole deal. and during the day that the threat said the bomb would blow up if you will, we had probably 25 undercover cops inside the building, and another couple cops outside(mainly securing the perimiter.) i think my school did a good job at an actual REAL case like that. But with your case, thats just very unfortunate. I was talking to a bunch of friends last week as well as three teachers outside for lunch duty and we were talking about Ahkmed and the teachers were fine. so, i think you did the right thing telling them the truth and the school did an excellent job to the extent where they evacuated the school. your parents must've been pissed for sure, i know mine would be. as for your record, 1) if your in middle school it gets wiped clean once u enter High school(in my state at least idk about yours) and 2) if you are in high school, then when you apply for a job and they ask your "I see you........" you just explained what happened, tell them the truth and that it was a misunderstanding. im sure they would most likely believe you.
For your situation they were just being retards with post 9/11 paranoia. in my case i resently simply shoved a kid in self defence and got a day in dmc (in school suspention) whereas at my old school i was practily tourcherd and i reported it on multilple cases...... the school didnt do a damn thing and i was pissed. (now im a little happy because that was the worst school in the disterict and now i go to the best one.
Did you like shout it out or just say it.. because that was totaly unreasonable. I could imagine this sort of thing in an airport.. But a pupil in a school being a terrorist, what's that all about!?
I don't go to a public school, but with past and recent events concerning school safety, I'm not surpirsed. Where I go to school there is a lot of trust placed on the students. I think that same trust would be mis-placed at public schools. There's simply to many students with diverse backgrounds to manage without a firm resolve on safety issues. You may think that the teacher who reported you was harsh, but given the circumstancs, I think he handled it well. The referal on your publi record, however, is undeserved. Now, whenever a police officer pulls you over, they will have a higher level of supsicion regarding you. Judges may issue sentences on you more harshly. It's something that is unfortunate, but you should contest it. I would talk to my parents about the situation and see if they can't change the school's mind. If they can't rectify it, visit your local news team. The news is always quick to jump on cases where educators make mistakes, this might warrant it. Also, if you're lucky, see if Jeff Dunham can't come to your school and do a comedy sketch. I, personally, would calmly dispute the matter with your school, then supercede their authority and so on and so forth. The referal may be trivial, but an injustice is still an injustice.
That is rather pathetic. It sounds like an airport, except if you say that there, you get some guy wearing a glove fisting your arse for the next 5 minutes, then your tickets are voided. Yay! The system is so paranoid now that they can't take a joke.