Oh sorry, I didn't use paint on this, see my fileshare at http://www.bungie.net/stats/Halo3/FileShare.aspx?gamertag=XuIos Try to figure out the effect, and no I didn't use paint/mod.
I kinda figured you guys already knew what it was, but I guess because I put it on my photobucket, it looked like I painted it. Sorry. Yes, grunt b-day party.
Hahaha! The perfect usage of the effect! I thought it was edited at first, but then you posted the link. Did you happen to submit this for the Mythic ODST screenshot contest?
I did, but I guess bungie didn't look at it, since a lot of people told me they loved it. I'm really sad I didn't receive a code, and I wanted to play mythic maps so bad, that I stayed up for 2 days taking nothing but snapshots. EDIT: I'd appreciate it if you guys commented on my other screenshots I posted on this site. I wish bungie would of looked at my snapshots, unless they didn't like them...
Nice, I thought you just 'Paint'-ed them in. Although you should link to the pic, not just your file share. Never seen Grunt b-day make that much confetti...
Thanks guys, I just recently started to take screenshots, and I'm glad I'm getting positive feedback.
Haha, thats pretty good. I really didn't think it was a Halo 3 screenshot at first, but nice use of the Grunt Birthday. Lol, still cracking me up.
Very funny xD at first i thought this was a stupid ms paint thing but then i i looked at the link at laughed, a lot, at myself and at the pic.