Well, I am not exactly your average gamer. While most people stick with the trends, and just play the big blockbuster games, I tend to play the games I think look fun. I don't rely on review too much, because some games are just very underrated. Also, sales, to me, don't mean ****. So, I present you with the game i'm looking into, that know one else is. Wanted: Weapons of Fate It might have just been me, but while I was watching WANTED [movie] I thought it would make a great game. Apparently, I wasn't the only one. Developer Grin took up the offer. So far, from what I can see, it looks really fun. Slow-Mo, Cover System, and good graphics make this game seem like the best "movie to game" game ever made [with the exception of Chronicles of Riddik]. For Videos and Screenshots: IGN: Wanted: Weapons of Fate (Wanted) The Godfather II Although the first was labeled simply as a GTA knock off, I highly disagree. This first was truly a unique experience. Although it was not the best looking game, and the presentation was week, its emphasis on taking over buildings and companies really made me feel like a don. Also, the melee was just great. The sequel looks really good. It has a much better presentation, more emphasis on building an empire, and an online mode. It's not a for sure buy, but I hope it turns out good. For Videos and Screenshots: IGN: The Godfather II (The Godfather 2) Bionic Commando Although I'm not a veteran of the series, I think this game looks really fun. The gunplay looks hectic, the use of the grapple looks amazing, and to top it off, it has some pretty stunning graphics. I know very little about this game, but I still think it looks very fun, original, and I can't wait for more information and videos. For Videos and Screenshots: IGN: Bionic Commando Borderlands I know almost nothing about this game, yet I found out about it almost a year ago. All I know is that it is a sci-fi, open world, Action RPG. It also has a very deep weapon system that I can't wait to learn more about. That’s enough to get me excited. It's being developed from the acclaimed developer Gearbox Software. For Videos and Screenshots: IGN Advertisement Red Faction: Guerrilla I have been looking into this game for quite sometime. Once I heard about its amazing engine, I had to look into it. The engine allows the player to destroy any building, realistically. The game play looks similar to lost planet, which is a plus for me. I haven't played any of the other Red Faction games, but i’m still hoping this game is a success. For Videos and Screenshots: IGN: Red Faction: Guerrilla Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood Although i'm pretty sure no one on this site ever played the first, I did, and I enjoyed it. Although the first had mixed reviews, I guess developer Techland decided to make a sequel. I think it look great. I am a big fan of western movies like Dirty Harry, and 3 10 to Yuma, so it's no surprise i'm looking into this one. For Videos and Screenshots: IGN: Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood So those are some of the games that I bet know one even cares about, but I thought I would just tell you why I do. I think a lot of those games have potential, and while half of those games will probably go un-played, I just wanted to give them a little respect. No, I am not buying all of these game, hell, I would be surprised if I bought even 2 of those games, I just wanted to point out some of the lesser known games of 2009. What do you think about these games?
All I have to say is that I can't wait for Borderlands. Hundreds of thousands of weapon combinations? Heck yes.
I know right, that is one of the only ones i am for sure buying. I read about the weapons in a magazine, and it sounds sweet.
Singularity from Febuary's issue of Game Informer looked pretty spectacular. Singularity Wikipedia Page
I was going to post that, but i thought maybe more people had heard of it. I think that game looks really unique. Lets hope thats a good thing.
For me, it's Stormrise. One of the factions is like a stealthier version of the Locust in Gears while the other side seems more like GDI from CnC. The best part is the terrain, that's the thing I'm looking forward to.
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I can't wait for this game, it looks awesome tearing buildings down brick by brick. Hope there are sniper towers just so I can knock it down with my sledge hammer.
Those three are on my list to check out. Singularity looks pretty cool, although I will probably only buy it if they can fit the time manipulation into the combat and not just the environment/puzzles. I wanna see where Champions Online goes, because I really like MMO's and can't wait to see if they pull it off on a console.
No, Activision rarely "makes games". They just publish them. Published by: Activision Developed by: Raven Software
They shouldn't have bothered extending the Red Faction franchise if they weren't going to stick to a first person shooter. It's going to be a completely different game than it's predecessors.... and to be honest I don't think it will exceed outside of some nifty technical aspects. I was a die hard fan of the original game, then the second game was released and it couldn't match to the original. If you can't do the first sequel right, then you probably shouldn't do a second.
Oh, yeah I understand. When I said "make" a game, I consider all who are involved in the game "made" the game, because what they do influences the outcome of the game. That's why alot of Activision's games are good at the start and most of the time end up getting worse and worse. They don't allow the developer enough time to develop the game.
Volition stated that it was so you won't get crushed to death if your in a building. They played it in first person and kept all of a sudden dying because they were unaware the debri was over their heads. With 3rd person you can see things around you too. I really think they should just add a 1st or 3rd person option just like in Fallout 3 though.