HALO 1 In your opinion: What was the longest level? The hardest level? The Easiest Level? Your Favorite Level?Why? HALO 2 In your opinion: What was the longest level? The hardest level? The Easiest Level? Your Favorite Level?Why? HALO 3 In your opinion: What was the longest level? The hardest level? The Easiest Level? Your Favorite Level?Why?
This belongs in the Halo Discussion. On topic however, I'll have to go over some of the campaign level names before I fill in the chart.
I don't really remember anything from the campaign. I only did Halo 2 and 3 but didn't pay attention to them, I just got through the levels. Honestly, I don't even know what the story is of the Halo Trilogy. I just know its Aliens vs Humans.
this is why there r too many people who dont no the halo story and they bought it just for the buzz. the story is humans started colonizing new planets and defending them with the UNSC. then they discovered the covenant who drove them out of the planets they held, but they also discovered Earth, a planet hidden from them forever. they attemted to take it over with the first halo, but master cheif, the last of the super spartans who have survived blew it up. this was pretty much halo 1. hopefully u no wat happened in halos 2 and 3
no kidding i mean liek if u dont no the story of halo u dont deserve to live. You're kinda wrong. First, they weren't starting to colonize planets, they were already settled in to them, and they were in the middle of an Insurrection when the Covenant attacked, because an Covenant ship just happened to find an automated Human cargo ship with coordinates to Harvest. After the Prophet of Truth told all the Covenant the Humans were Demons, they went on a genocidal rampage. There's more to it than that, but I'm sleepy.
HALO 1 In My opinion: What was the longest level? Either AotcR or Two Betrayals The hardest level? Keyes, the canyon was all dark and flood filled, on Legendary it was a pain. The Easiest Level? PoA Your Favorite Level?Why? Truth and Reconciliation - Aotcr, that's my favorite part of Halo 1. HALO 2 In your opinion: What was the longest level? Stupid first Arbiter levels The hardest level? The dark creepy high charity one on Legendary The Easiest Level? Cairo Station Your Favorite Level?Why? Outskirts and Metroplis, Halo 2 from th original trailers looked to be fought on Earth, had a lot of people stoked including myself. HALO 3 In your opinion: What was the longest level? The ark or The Covenant The hardest level? Halo The Easiest Level? Halo-depends on who you're playing with, or what difficulty/circumstances. Your Favorite Level?Why? The Covenant, masive battles, big guns/vehicles .... need I say more?
HALO 1 I really forgot a lot of Halo 1. I barely played its Campaign either. In your opinion: What was the longest level? The First Level The hardest level? 343 Guilty Spark (I think that's what it's called...) The Easiest Level? N/A (Legendary is impossible) Your Favorite Level?Why? N/A (Halo 1 Campaign wasn't very appealing) HALO 2 In your opinion: What was the longest level? The First Arby Level The hardest level? High Charity The Easiest Level? Outskirts Your Favorite Level?Why? Metropolis since I like urban warfare. HALO 3 In your opinion: What was the longest level? The Covenant The hardest level? The Covenant (again) The Easiest Level? Floodgate (it's sooo fun too!) Your Favorite Level?Why? N/A none were appealing
Halo CE - assault on the control room was the longest - the libary on legendary was hardest - pillar of autum was easiest on all settings - keyes, I personally love watching enemies kick the crap out of each other and its fun to get involved - best part is the covenant ships hanger if u have a needler Halo 2 - the delta libary (forgot whats its called)was longest - great journey on ledgendary - tartarus wont go down - first level on the mach cannon - on all difficulties - gravemind- same as for Halo CE, especially the bit in the masoleum- can be fun if u can try to get 3 hunters to follow u in to add to the chaos so theres a total of 5 hunters in there Halo 3 - the arc was longest (I think) - road to voi (i think thats what its called) was hardest on ledgendary- those f-in brutes with fuel rods - floodgate on ledge - the covenant - blowin up the scarabs