Hey fellow forgers, I'm a pro forger ( interlocking, putting objects underground and floating in air style ) but I'm a bad tactical planner. I make an amazing looking map, but the tactics are all wrong. it's usually a random bloodfeast or just plain out confusion. does anyone have any tips for increasing playing enjoyment by decreasing randomness in my maps? If you need an example of one of my maps just please tell me and I'll create a Thread for it. I'm looking for tips on slayer / team slayer / CTF / Oddball / KOTH / territories. don't get me wrong, it plays fine. I just want it better
hey well im okay at planning but i suck at forge plus i got some ideas so maybe we can talk sometime okay
To make your game enjoyable it's not all about how you set them up but how you set the map up. If you build best rather then planning and doing gametypes then stick with the building. You could always co-forge with people already having there map planned out. or just ask me for a design and I could whip one up for you. I was a premium at one time here on forgehub and I built maps as well as collaborated. though lately all I have been doing is designing the maps and planning (geometry, weapons, spawns and all) And have been leaving it up too other people to do the building. Besides that... Just practice. Take notice to why certain maps play well, What weapons play well in what areas and build your map around that basically. Edit: And most importantly (almost forgot, lol) GAMEPLAY over AESTHETICS!
Well try going to forging101 and just look aroud.Try to get something that people say is enjoyable but never steal because that is bad.Also look at many goodly rated maps like Five-stars for example Duck Hunt like you may make a remake but add your kick to it.I would do a remake of a map where you must hold off the enemy like spiral. Point is make it what you want and it just might be insane!
Lol. "Hello fellow forgers, I'm a pro forger". Just like everyone else man. I really wouldn't say that as my opening sentence unless I had some pictures IN THE THREAD of my maps to back it up. And even then, self declaration is a virtue. Plus, you are basically posting a thread saying you are having trouble making your maps fun, which is what forge is all about, meaning you acknowledge you're not "pro" at all in the first place. Sorry about that little rant. Now advice! 1. First off. Draw out your maps. Think up some kind of structure that would be cool to fight in. Like a certain sniper tower, or hallway. Then make sure you build off of that structure. You do not want "islands". That is, points that really have no escape routes other than the front door, or do not offer a jump to an even better/ faster way to get through the map. If the spot is not tacticle, (which in halo terms means it provides some kind of pathway to get through the map), then it will not be used, even if a power weapon is present, and you want people to use ALL of the map. 2. Make sure pathways are equally balanced. Power weapons, and how tacticle a pathway is, does not determine which pathway a player will 75% of the time go contrary to belief. The pathway that is used most is always the most fun, and the quickest. Trust me. How many times when playing on Foundry on the first spawn, have you seen players rush to the stairs even though there is a sniper all the way at the end of the map? This is because 75% of the people will choose the quickest and most fun path to get into the fight, while 25% will decide to take it slow and be tacticle for a change. Make sure the player is pointing at a fork between, tacticle paths, and fun/quick paths. To reward the 25% that actually take the tacticle path, add a power weapon, but remember, the longest path should have the power weapon, while the shorter path does not. If instead of the power drainer, rockets were placed at the stairs on foundry, everyone would rush to it, and the rest of the map would not be used. Imagine if this happened every spawn. The rest of the map would NEVER be used. 3. If you think you have enough Battle Rifles on the map, add 1/2 more for every one you already have. This is because most players like to have both the Assault Rifle and the Battle Rifle at the same time, so then when they find a power weapon, they can choose the more practical one to keep. 4. If you think you have enough jumps/paths up to the upper levels of your map, add 1 more for every one you already have. Just like the Battle Rifle statement, you must have choices choices choices at all times. If a jump/ ramp is more than 2 seconds away at any given time to switch pathways, then you are not offering pathway choices for the player. 5. Make sure that every spawn point is equal distance from objectives such as the oddball, or both teams from a neutral bomb. Make sure that your flag spawn point does not take more than 2 seconds to reach once inside the enemy base. Also, a good thing to have is a pathway to keep going through once you grab the flag that is right in front of the player. You don't want to grab the flag, then have to back up. Like on the pit. If you go down into the pits, there are pathways in the direction you are facing at all times. No matter from which way you came. Hope this helped. Geeze. I basically wrote a thread. Maybe I'll copy and paste this and make it one.
Well said. I'd like to emphasize planning your maps before you build them. It'll make or break your map.
Zander put it very well. My favorite way to plan a map is to create a rough draft in forge. You can make things quickly and sloppily because it is a rough draft. Then if you want to change something you won't have to delete that insane geo-merge/ interlock you did. Then you can make it.
thanks! thanks man, ( and sorry for saying pro : / just trying to tell them I'm not a newbie forger ) but anyway, your post was extremely helpful. I never draw out my maps before I make them. I usually just think of something good in my head. And the add 1 more thing than you think you need - extremely helpful because I remembered on all tactical maps I play it's exactly the same. now the long and short path will make it all the better - being that's actually not even been considered on my map. I have my maps fun and enjoyable, but like I said, It can be a bit random sometimes.
I just highly recommend designing your map, build a sloppy version, test the crap out of it until everything is perfect, and finally build the true map with great aesthetics.