Top 3 Favorite Maps

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by CMCX360, Feb 23, 2009.

  1. oberlin

    oberlin Ancient
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    1. Ascension- This map is the pinnacle of Matchmaking, IMO.
    2. The Pit- Favorite Halo 3 map, hands down.
    3. Warlock- Great, quick-paced, arena gameplay
  2. kkonflict

    kkonflict Ancient
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    hey was up guys id have to say i like
    Last Resort
  3. Katana Master

    Katana Master Ancient
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    Yeah it was a pretty awesome map, i feel like playing halo 1 right naow...
    But my fav are= mlg foundary map on matchmaking, blackout, valhalla
  4. Nick Novikov

    Nick Novikov Ancient
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    1. Last Resort
    2. The Pit
    3. Valhalla
  5. Pennywiez

    Pennywiez Ancient
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    ok top 3 eh ok then

    1. sandbox (even though i dont have it yet its just that awsome)
    2. foundry
    3. death island (from halo ce)

    oh well for hells sake 2 more

    4. coagulation/blood gulch

    5. lockout/blackout/guardian
  6. KnarFF 213

    KnarFF 213 Ancient
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    For halo 3

    1. Contruct
    2. Guardian
    3. Ghost Town

    Other good ones
    .the pit
    .rats nest
  7. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    Halo 3:
    Ghost Town

    Halo 2:

    Halo CE:
    Hang Em High
  8. H3C x Nevz

    H3C x Nevz Ancient
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    Having only played Halo 3, here are mine:

    1) Guardian
    Perfect, navigable layout. Excellent flow and weapons layout. Not much better they could have done on this one.

    2) Epilogue
    Yeah, really. No more shield doors, and a much better weapon layout. When you think of the complex indoor-outdoor layout and the winding pathways, this really is a great map. many people just didn't give it a chance because of the shield doors on its predecessor.

    3) Rat's Nest
    Phenomenal big team map. Lots of carnage and power, yet it has a very unique layout with lots of close and long range combat. Highly underrated.
  9. xFr1ct10nx

    xFr1ct10nx Ancient
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    In speaking of playibilty and gameplay, not Forging/customs.

    Ascention-I loved the playibility and the great features of it. this along with headlong and Relic made great sniper games and made me like sniping.
    Construct-Many of the places on construct was great for unique kinds of gameplay. the map was good for almost any gametype IMO
    Tombstone-Remake of Hang 'em High last map pack for Halo 2, i liked it better than Hang em high because i thought it looked better the original, and pulled off amazing CTF i thought.

    Honerable Mentions:
    Sandtrap-Great CTF
    Lockout-sic SWAT
    Relic-Awesome sinping and drive bys w/ warthog. plus had an Albotross
    Blood Gulch/Coagulation-Awesome everything, and RED vs BLUE


    top 3
    Foundry(of course)-reasons everyone knows. and Grifball
    Sandtrap-fun infection and minigames plus BTB
    Ascention- Tower of Power FTW *****. lol

    Honerable mentions
    Sandbox(would be top 3, but havent played it yet, and no easy way of Geo merging)
    Foundation-for creation of infection
    Standoff-really fun on Standoff heavy, plus great mini games
    Avalanch-Just for many various things.
    Terminal-great for lots of different stuff. many kool glitches and jumps. i love that map.

    others that i like but never played on(i like from looks)
    all of the extra Halo:CE pc maps
    Assembly, Orbital, Longshore(i know it will be ossim)

    was headlong in Halo:CE i dun remember, or was it on the PC version?
  10. Wakko45

    Wakko45 Ancient
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    Headlong was from Halo 2.
  11. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    1. Rats nest
    It has vehicles, long range, medium range, and close range as well as lots of equipment and a large variety of weaons.

    2. Headlong
    The endlest amount of glitches you could do one here and how well it played made this map great. We would play on this for hours.

    3. Chill out
    Me and my brother always played on this map. We must have played every gametype but FFA was always the best. This is why I love needlers.
  12. DRO Maelstrom

    DRO Maelstrom Ancient
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    I never played Halo CE, and I only brushed up on Halo 2 as I still loved playing CoD 2 and 3 back then. So my maps are for Halo 3 only. There could be maps I like more on the others though.

    1. The Pit - This map really gives a great example of symmetrical, multi-tiered, and a close-quarter feel while still being open enough that I can destroy with a sniper rifle. This is one of Bungie's masterpieces in my mind. All gametypes are enjoyable on it, and most people always think of CTF, but I personally just prefer regular slayer more.

    2. Narrows - Really, this is a map that gives perfect balance, while maintaining the true strengths of holding the power weapons. Anything can happen on this map, and I really wish the mancannons we have on Foundry were as accurate as the ones on Narrows.

    3. Construct - I heard that a lot of people hated this map at the start. Camping in the purples has virtually been eliminated with today's tactics, and this map shows perfect balance as well.

    4. MLG Guardian - I only mention this because Guardian easily makes it for FFA, but the rest of the gametypes are rubbish. TS is nade friendly, CTF is imbalanced, and doubles gametypes are just filled with camping at the snipe tower. It's too easy to hold down that area by yourself, because the escape routes are too easy to use (especially if you can do the G1 to G2 and S1 to S2 jumps). MLG Guardian rectifies Bungie's mess with better weapon placement, better spawning (seriously, bottom green is tiring), and makes use of the LoS that Guardian offers mid-ranged combat.
  13. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    Headlong - has great hand to hand and vehicle gameplay
    Midship - awesome for swords and ctf
    Ivory Tower - Great for trying to get out of
  14. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    I noticed that no-one has put Isolation. So I have decided to compile a list of reasons why Isolation shapes up to be a good map:

    - It's symmetrical, so it's balanced
    - There's a nice Ghost to *****
    - There's a sniper so you can camp in the trees
    - Sure the shotgun's got no spare clips, but there are maulers
    - Nice Rockets too
    - There's a tunnel that you can go down, and when you go down it, a big arsehole opens up to let you through!
    - The map actually gets more coagulated over time

    Negatives about Isolation:

    - Looks like someone threw up everywhere (but looks don't really matter)
    - Scary to forge on alone (especially if you go past the big arsehole door, and it opens up)
    - Maybe too hilly, so hard to BR. Go underground if this really annoys you
    - No sticky grenades, only spikes. Not a huge negative though...
    - Generally better for Slayer.
    - No flood infection forms come out of the pumpkin things on the walls.
  15. Goober

    Goober Ancient
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    Because you can have your head blown off from the other side of the map with a damn pistol in SWAT, thats why! The only time I've enjoyed that map is infection....

    Alrighty, no particular order...

    !. Midship: awesome KotH matches! plus splatter possibilities
    2. Turf: amazing games for team random, or team shotty snipe.
    3. Lockout/Blackout: great games of Swat are best found here.
    Bonus: Warlock: I just love that map, anything from KotH to Teritories to anything else. Outright fun map to play.
  16. OrangE BloB

    OrangE BloB Ancient
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    1. Last Resort (i'm a sucker for oldies)
    2. The Pit (absolute classic!)
    3. Snowbound (great for team Swat)
    4. Standoff
    5. Valhalla

    i made it 5 because choosing 3 was absolutely too hard...
  17. xFr1ct10nx

    xFr1ct10nx Ancient
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    i left out one that is dear to my heart, lol.

    Gemini, number one definitly for me. Gamplay on it was amazing, especially for FFA it was awesome, how the bases would switch on Team Slayer from one side to the other via the teleporters. the asthetics were really good, like the tree and the statue. the way you went up the grav lift made you go up as high as a man cannon, but you would never go up too fast. weapon placement was really good IMO. i liked the side hallways, and if was remade, could possibly make for a great conquest map, the teleporters would take you above the tree and i always liked jumping into the tree and hiding there. the only problem was that outside the little ledges beside the doors would make great camping hot spots and would sometime slow down and ruin gameplay. other than that i really did like the map. Gemini FTW! W00t!
  18. The Number 0000

    The Number 0000 Ancient
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    (1) Guardian
    (2) Hang Em' High
    (3) The Pit

    First of all, Guardian is my favorite because of it's really well thought up layout, and different heights and strategies this map offers, and as someone said above, it has a very, very BR friendly feel.

    Hang Em' High...because it's..Hang Em' High

    Lastly, The Pit, is a very good symmetrical map, that offers intense gameplay, and has a very good variety of weapons, and good weapon layout. It, also, has a very BR friendly design, with plenty of corridors, and levels of height.

    For the record, I strongly think that I may revise this decision, and put assembly in here, because it looks to be insanely fun.
  19. DoTTii

    DoTTii Ancient
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    1. Midship- The mecca of competitive maps in the good ol days. Some of the best MLG games ever and it played all gametypes smoothly. The layout was also the best ever created by Bungie imo

    2. The Pit-The Halo 3 mecca of competitive maps. The size is nearly perfect for alot of competitive gameplay (Mainly MLG) and the CTF is godly.

    3. Ivory Tower- Just flat out fun. The weapons were awesome and everything was just so amazing for the H2 style of gameplay. MLG Ivory Tower TS were easily some of the most fun experiences i have ever had while playing halo
  20. The Spartan III

    The Spartan III Ancient

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    forge wise?
    1. foundry
    2. avalanche
    3. standoff

    gameplay wise?
    1. coagulation
    2. lockout
    3. high ground
    4. the pit
    5. construct(for MLG)

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