Heyyy, well one night i was really bored a long time ago. All the way back when i played RuneScape. Back then, i LIVED for RuneScape, so i made a sword on MS Paint.
OMG IS THAT THE god$word? I always wanted one of those when I played runescape but the ppls were all like NOOOOO u can't haz Either way, its cool that you could make that solely in paint.
Ah pixel art. The one thign I can CnC on. XD Right, you need to secure yourself a decent light source. At the moment, your shading is varied throughout the sword. Next, the liens look a little choppy. Try making one line 1 pixel longer and one smaller to make it look smoother. So instead of - ---- where each - is a pixel, try this: -- --- I hope that makes sense. Also, you could make a darker shade of blue for the blue areas to outline it, the black stands out way too much. Finally, the end of the sword's shading needs to blend in more with the middle white area, it goes dark grey> white atm. Do it liek hte fantastic shading above it. But yeah, I liek the modelling, and the small spikes on the blade are amazingly shaded. So keep at it. ~Katanga
Yeah thats exactly what i did lol. =) Thanks for all of the info! you helped me a lot on what you said, i'll try that. (by the way, is quoting two people like what im doing right now considered double posting?)