Mine would have to be Star Wars the Force Unleashed, since I simply love Star Wars and when I get to kill stormtroopers it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. So what is yours?
You do know that not many big games from 2008 have been released yet, right? So this is just speculative, based on maybe some screens or something... But srsly, gta4.
the best to come out will be SSBB, which is out in 20 minutes...Super Smash isnt all action FPSs like all the kids seem to play now but SSBM was one of my favorite games and definately first or second with real friends around...and you can play online now which extends even those horizons
I honestly can't say until I've played some of the games, and I haven't played any games released this year yet. I might get SSBB. Although, waiting until my brother buys it is probably a better idea. :squirrel_wink:
I couldn't say exactly but I could give you 4 that would probably be nominated. Gears of War 2 Super Smash Bro. Brawl Grand Theft Auto 4 Rainbow 6 Vegas 2 That's what I foresee. Of course, that is based one what I think will/has in terms of hype and games sold.
Spore looks very interesting. Also I would like to play GoW2 just for the Multiplayer (never finished the campaign). I am also looking forward to getting my hands on SSBB. But that about it for me.
Since we seem to be refferrin to games unreleased .... where's Mario Kart Wii? hours of crazed drunken turtle shell hurling fun? come on now .....
April but I still think that SSBB is going to be the best game for the Wii this year, although I loved Mario Kart DS, can't wait for the Wii version.
:squirrel_jaffaew Pew! looking foward to my Cousin getting SSBB ( moocher ) and im kinda intregied about Halo Wars