The staff is doing a review of the new maps that will be featured shortly, but for now... Here is my baby, it's a competitive map that is completely interlocked <--- some of the other staff members were making fun me for interlocking but it's for the best, sometimes the walls and tunnels slide up on you and interlocking will solve that. Anyways here a sneak preview... Enjoy, off to work, will answers question later. These are all pictures of the attacking base where the attackers must cross one of two bridges they must keep control of. The middle, (watch your step sargie) lol! And last but not least the defending base. This is the switch system I added that the attackers have to open by getting the attacking side and throwing a grenade down a hole. forge overview
It took me a while to figure out that the map is floating in mid air lol. But ya this map does look pretty nice, I am pretty sure that this is the first sandbox map posted, so congrats on that. The map itself looks pretty good, I am not sure if it is finished or not yet, but the interlocking (lol) looks pretty good and the layout looks nice as well too. I cant download and rate D: Good job though
looks really seckz chron. I actually might be joining yall in a few days...depending on if my friend comes through or not.
How big a problem is it that you can walk over the edge accidentally? I had been planning on using my walls that I can't use as floors, as well as the wood plank bridges to create guardrails over most of the major edges in my first map.
hmmm, by the looks of that grid, it maybe possible that the map has "levels" so we don't need to stack/hold + save&quit to create floating platforms. It looks like there are many possibilities for this map in competitive games. Not so much as infection though. Anyways, the game play and with all the great aesthetically matching items to the map will probably create a new turn for competitive maps. Well, we'll just have to wait and see. I still think that foundry will be one of the best and if not better maps to make infection maps on. I think that the other maps are being, well, ignored kinda due to all the spark sandbox has created with forgers. Bungie should have just made sandbox and call it a map pack...
yes it is in the sky bubble and if you fall off, you die. nice map though. It looks really good. I wish I knew a bit more about weapons but then in wouldn't be a preview now would it.
have you been under a rock? nah ,jk, but yes the map does have "levels" and this one is the sky bubble, so no you dont have to save and quit to float. As for infection maps, there is a bottom "level" that is an enclosed square about the size of foundry. And sandbox might get the most attention on this website, but most halo 3 players dont really care too much about forge, so the other 2 maps will definitely not be ignored. As pertaining to the map preview, it looks pretty sick. i cant wait to create some maps on the skybubble, especially ctf and other objective based maps.
ok cool thats going to be awsome sitting there playing a game and someone falls off. can u put a teleporter on the skybuble and another on the mid level and so u can play on both levels?
no, i do not believe you can switch between the skybubble and ground level in game. im not positive though. check the sandbox discussion thread if you want to ask somebody there and for any future questions.
Featured shortly...Lol wahh I thought some of the staff said they will only start looking at Sandbox maps like a month after the US release of Halo Wars.. Anyways I was watching Insane when he joined your party and I only saw a little bit of it...though its come a long way and looks nice...
I actually heard you can go from the crypt to the normal field in game so I bet you can get to the sky bubble also.
You can definitely switch between ground level and the Crypt, multiple review videos have footage of Spartans dropping down the chute. While logically that would lead to being able to teleport between Skybubble and the ground level...we'll just have to ask one of those darned lucky people who got a code. =)
It's not that big of a problem, you can leave the edges for some added obstacles, or since bungie has given us an outrageous amount of items and money you could basically block of the whole map so that there are no death pits. It will be just like your use to one foundry, the grid acts like a floor on forge but will disappear obviously in game play, however you cannot put movable objects on the ground for they will fall right through the map. Also if your building on the outskirts and drop an item that you have to go pick up the death towers will not like it and try and kill you while your going for that object, sometimes forcing you to build a tunnel of protection just to get to an item, that is if you can't out maneuver the tower's lasers. Lance is correct, you can switch between the sandbox and crypt very easily and you can switch between the sky bubble and the ground via tele-porter. The only complaint that I had was hitting the item long before I thought I would, however I didn't use the original items and spawn points on the map which would have saved me a lot of items.
At least one question on my mind... lets say you want a box at a specific angle in the skybubble, do you need to merge it like before in foundry or can you sink it through without a merge? Oh and is it true that you cannot fly out of the skybubble down to the ground? That kinda sucks in a way... Oh and do you have to interlock like normal or is it clean enough to do without that?
The objects, for the most part, are much cleaner than foundry's. A few folks who have the maps have only used interlocking where needed and the maps seem to play fine. Grenades don't seem to slip through non interlocking areas, which is a huge improvement from Foundry. [edit]: You cannot sink it through without a merge, although I would simply build the map up higher so a merge was not even required.
quite frankly you will not need to geo-merge, you will have so many different ramps and boxes you wont know that to do with your self, I only used about 10% of the items available, you will be able to create any angle you could imagine if you just mess with all the items and interlocking.