Here is a really funny video that was going to be an xbox 360 commercial but was banned obviously of the subject and language. May be disturbing it has a little Hitler background....but very,,very funny!!! Video:
If you seriously believe they were going to advertise a product using the most world renown mass murder, you sir are an idiot. And we're talking about Microsoft here. Edit: That tid-bit is from a movie obviously involving Hitler. It has become a meme, which people edit it according to peoples saying. Banned from runescape, 4chan, other forums, etc.
Obviously not going to actually be an Xbox Live advert. Why would they make an advert about Hitler being banned because of modding? What does that say about Microsoft and the 360? Also it's out of date... Personally I think versions of this video should be banned from FH. This was quite funny this first time I saw it, but I'm sure people will be posting more of these in the future. Not that it's not near-the-knuckle enough as it is...
You didn't seriously think an american company would use Hitler as a basis for an advertisement aimed towards children and young adults, did you?
I've actually seen the movie this is from, it's all in german and its about hitlers final days in a crumbling **** germany. it's actually really good. really deep and intense. this is in no way going to be an xbox commercial. n00b.
Yes people, I think he's got the idea now. No need to keep telling him his mistake and calling him a n00b.
Yeah it really is. It sounds so funny when he is crazy pissed off and you are reading the subtitles. 'WHAT I AM SUPPOSED TO PLAY? SUPER ****ING MARIO???' Ahh. What a great vid.