Commander Wars

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by WMcr8, Feb 22, 2009.


How would you rate this map?

  1. Exellent

    2 vote(s)
  2. Good

    5 vote(s)
  3. So-So

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  4. Bad!

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  1. WMcr8

    WMcr8 Ancient
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    Map Title: Syncronize Command
    What is it with you and glass boxes?


    Commander Version

    Syncronize by itself is a half avalanche map designed for objective games.
    It has plenty of cover by each of the bases and hills with a pretty barren middle. It has a medium amount of vehicles 2 hogs a hornet and a mongoose for each side, with a host of weapons to counter those vehicles,
    2x sniper, 2x rocks, 4x brute shots, 4x carbines, 2x missile pods, 1x spartan laser, 2x mauler, 10x BR's, 2x needlers. there are teleporters inside the bases that take out to the middle of the field as well as a two way connection between the hills. The Command map (CMD) has a slightly different game-play when it comes to objective games, one member of the team spawns in the a box above the map and can see everything that is going on in the map below. The job of the guy in the box is to call out the enemy and offer advice on how to deal with the enemy.

    Attacker Base outside

    inside 1

    inside 2

    defender base

    defender hill

    attacker hill


    Commander box

    Action Pix

    Have fun-Afro
  2. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
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    hmm, looks a little barren. I think you need a few more structures. Other than that it looks decent

    I like the sniper towers in the trees though. And a nicely geomerged double box (altough it could use more cover around it).

    I like the idea of having a commander in the box. This will help teams learn to give out commands based on what needs to happen in the game. Cool.
  3. AI_Twitch

    AI_Twitch Ancient
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    Intresting concept with the commander in the box. The problem with this is the impulse command aspect of the game. Since 99% of halo games are made for high speed decisions, the idea of having to plan for attacks ahead of time can seem foreign to most players. A good idea on how to make this easier to rely on is to limit the vision of the players on the ground making the commander much more usefull. My perception of this games results would probably be along the line of the commander screaming into the mic and not making a difference at all.
  4. Tyberiousfusion

    Tyberiousfusion Ancient
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    I think this map could use a lot of work and a lot of interlocking because its very sloppy. Also it looks kind of pointless, overall 2/5
  5. KilerG

    KilerG Ancient
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    Sounds like a REALLY original idea. I've never seen anything like this, and it sounds like it might be fun with the right teammates. Sounds a bit like playing an RTS style game, like a prelude to Halo Wars?

    I agree with you completely, if you make a sort of maze or something, at least some tall buildings that block the view of the players below, you might make the players more dependent on their commander.
    The only difference is the skill of the player, one player may be really good and one may do nothing. The commander has no control over that, creating an unfair advantage toward some games.

    All in all, sound like a cool idea, great first introduction, and I hope to see some great stuff from a later version. Maybe Sandbox will be helpful in using my suggestions.
  6. WMcr8

    WMcr8 Ancient
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    i was going to wait until sandbox but i wanted to see how it would work first
  7. hitman slayer33

    hitman slayer33 Ancient
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    It's a pretty original (as far as I've seen) with the commander box, but what if the guy has no mic?'d be pointless for that team. But still, it looks pretty well made, and I like the base hanging over the cliffside (if it is, it just looks like it if its not) say 3/5
  8. iTz Fuzzywig

    iTz Fuzzywig Ancient
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    I would say that Ninja is a dandy boy but I have done a fly though on this map and you worries about sloppiness are unfounded. Its just that Ninja (WMcr8} Suck at taking pics..overall a 4/5 u Dandy Boy
  9. Bootsie 22

    Bootsie 22 Ancient
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    I love RTS games and I think your concept is the best way to mimic it in halo. But even on Avalanche, the space is too vast to make it maze-ish. If you are going to do it on sandbox, make your maze concept there. The thing about RTS games is that the units are totally dependent on thier commander (except for the point blank stuff).
  10. WMcr8

    WMcr8 Ancient
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    its true i do suck at taking pics and yes that base is off the edge
  11. KilerG

    KilerG Ancient
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    Well it's a great beta, so maybe you should rename it to a beta? It's just showing that it's possible to do this. It works ok on Avalanche, but I think that you need to make a gametype, maybe a V.I.P. gametype. That might be fun, but you have to find some way for the V.I.P. to always spawn in the box.
    On sandbox, it will be smaller, so it makes it easier to see everyone. On Avalanche, I couldn't find any of my teammates easily, or any of the enemies unless they were in a hornet.
  12. crazyzebu

    crazyzebu Ancient
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    Your new base does not impress and neither does your forging. I do think a half avalanch is a good idea though. Hrrrm...
  13. Chedderboy

    Chedderboy Ancient
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    Its a decent map, but the only notable feature is the commander box, which has been implemented as a side note, not the basis for the map. If you design the map to make the players dependent on their commander, THEN this will truly shine. Obviously though you're going to need to allow individual decisions too, in case the commander sucks.

    As some people have said, add more cover. If the player can see the enemy, the commander's callouts are pointless. Possible reduce the emphasis on vehicular combat, as vehicles are large, very noticeable targets. Also, the player in the commander box needs something to keep him busy; while, ah...mature players will accept the position, many inexperienced players will decide to kill themselves and fight on the ground. If you create a greater dependance on the commander, this problem will be solved, as there will be pressure on the commander to stay in the box.

    Overall, its a good concept which needs some modifications. Keep up the good work.
  14. KilerG

    KilerG Ancient
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    Which is where sandbox comes in...
    Yes it will truly shine when he creates more cover and creates a bigger use for the Commander. A smaller map means less vehicular combat.
    The idea of a V.I.P. gametype makes it so that less mature players can't kill themselves, don't give them any explosives.

    Halo Wars comes out next week people, when it comes out, this will probably be the first thing he does. (unless he waits for it to come out on marketplace) It'll be great on Sandbox, as will almost any map. Small map, lots of structures and cover, might make a great game to play, plus try my V.I.P. gametype idea. It worked pretty well for me when I tried it, but the map needs some modifications first to make sure the V.I.P. is on top, and not fighting on the ground.
  15. Chedderboy

    Chedderboy Ancient
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    There's two problems: one, that you can't ensure that the VIP spawns in the box, and two, that there aren't any see-through immovable objects on sandbox.

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