MAP LINK HERE After hours of annoying work that bored me to death, i have finished Tilt. Tilt is at a 40 degree angle messing up your grenade senses and sometimes confusing your jumping capabilities. With two forts, this map is a must play for 2v2 to 5v5! its a bit small so 6v6+ wont work well, and its not a 1v1 type of map, nor is it good for a multi-team. Each base contains: A turret (plasma on one human on other) Brute Shot Mauler 2 spike grenades 2 dualies (plasma on one smg on other) 2 rifles (BRs on one, Carbines on other) trip mine needler Middle contains: Flare 2 incendiary grenades (through a teleporter) Shotgun (through a teleporter) Overshield Works with Slayer, CTF and assault, infection (sorta), and vip The fence walls on the flag rooms are to prevent camping, and is why i put incendiary grenades on the map. its kinda crudely made, but its hard to make this map perfect...
Re: Tilt, a map at 40 degrees Wow, I love the idea of a slanted map. I heard it suggested before and thought it would be really interesting. EDIT: Yeah, forgot to tell you what the person below me said.
Re: Tilt, a map at 40 degrees This Map post does not meet the standards. Please read this topic on how to properly post maps. I am sure your map is good so please follow the guidelines so we can find out too!
Re: Tilt, a map at 40 degrees doesnt meet the standards? well sorry but when i try to img+/img embed it screws up.
Re: Tilt, a map at 40 degrees The sound of a whole map tilted at a 40 degree angle sounds amazing. Even if this topic isn't made correctly, I would download this but I don't have the map pack on my linked gamertag.
Re: Tilt, a map at 40 degrees You have to embed the image from an image hosting site like, just trying to help you get more downloads.
Re: Tilt, a map at 40 degrees To Post Pictures 1. Save the picture onto your computer by right clicking and pressing save as... 2. Go to 3. Once there click Browse. 4. Search for the saved picture. It'll be where ever you saved it. 5. Double click the picture to select it. 6. Press "host it!". 7. Scroll down once it brings you to the next screen. 8. Copy everything in the "Hotlink for forums (1)" box. 9. Paste it in your post.
Re: Tilt, a map at 40 degrees Hey dude, awesome map. Ive never seen something like this. What's with the wall in "base 1 inside" i think. Its the one above the door way. Anyways tell me if thats supposed to be there or not
Re: Tilt, a map at 40 degrees Looks cool. I have thought a lot about making maps at odd angles, but never got around to it. As they said above me you probably want to (and everyone else wants you to) embed you screenshots. I know that it can be a bit of a pain to start putting screenshots on file hosting websites and getting it all to work. I just started myself, but it gets easy quickly (for all future maps). Also the biggest problem is that you left no direct link (that I see) to your map. That is the most important aspect (besides pics) of posting a map on forgehub.
When I first saw it I felt like my stomach was flipped upside down. It was a weird feeling to get from a map. I like the concept and the map looked very challenging to make. I don't expect EVERYTHING to be perfectly straight because of the tilt, and I do give you props on the map. Great job. =]
even though you have to click to see the pictures which made me think this guy doesnt know what hes doing when i saw them i completly changed my mind because this map is really cool origional and when your in it i bet its really confusing and maybe some really weak people might find it nauscious.
I love this concept. Because 9 posts in front of me are telling you that you need pics, I'll just focus on the map itself for now. Wow, great idea.
mmmkay i dint really understand about the pics, but they are coming... oh and the guy who asked about some wall... its covering a gap i think..
somebody asked if you fall when you are still; no, cause if you fell while standing then you would fall while running and never get anywhere
Wow... such a great idea. That must've taken forever to forge. Ugh... lol. Keep up the fantastic work!