Lost Planet 2 has just been announced. There is a trailer on the Spotlight section of your Xbox 360's Dashboard, check it out. YouTube - Lost Planet 2: NEW Official Trailer - HD720p
Gameplay from the trailer looks epic. I loved this game around the time i was getting into xbox live. My friend and i would play it 24/7. Graphics look amazing. This is a definite buy for me. add this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wnuNhmFYT5A
I didn't expect this with that Capcom announcement (Just either play the trailer, or have a guy speak in english), but this game looks amazing. I know I'm going to like the gameplay because of the demo for the first one. That monster thing in the end looks ****ed up too so does that deployable sheild.
I remember I played the demo at target and it wouldn't end...I think I played for about 45 minutes. it was a pretty cool game, never actually bought it though, maybe that will change if LP2 gets good reviews.
i didnt see wat they said after the interview but like the guy above me said, ya and it even looks co-op. but i think it will be much better than the first. i hope, the first had some fun MM i thought but wasnt worth keeping. i didnt even finish the campaign. to me it looks not as Icy ya know, of course i may not have gotten far enough through the first game to find out that there isnt much ice. anyways it looks interesting, and if theres gonna be a demo ill dload it to try it out of course.