This a map I made with nubyw00tz. This my first attempt at a good map. Some key features of the map are: 1 Sniper tower per base 1 Turret tower for each team 1 Mongoose per team 1 Truck that drops a flare when exploded And more! Recommend: 6-12 Players This map is good for the following gametypes: Slayer CTF Assault Territories Oddball But can also be used with: Infection King of the Hill Pictures •Blue Base •Blue Tower •Hallway •Red Base •Red Tower If you download, please post\comment\rate! Thanks!
Re: Two Towers (With Pictures) This Map post does not meet the standards. Please read this topic on how to properly post maps. I am sure your map is good so please follow the guidelines so we can find out too!
Re: Two Towers (With Pictures) This has gotten far too many off topic replies, you guys dissapoint, you only need one post to tell him he posted wrong, and maybe, instead of just pressing ctrl c+v you could tell him how? It's not that hard. First, you need to host your images on an image site, which you've already done, and makes this a lot easier, now that you have those direct links, swap out the url tags for img tags. ::EDIT:: You also need to change your thread title to Two Towers, the rules here are map name only. Code: [img][/img] Which turns out like this: [img width=800 height=600][/img]
Re: Two Towers (With Pictures) Wow! Thank goodness this post came with a title describing the fact it has pics! None of the other posts on ForgeHub have pics. This is an amazing....... Why is it so hard to take the time to read how to post? Took me 5 minutes to learn all these things