Some pictures taken in campaign! Big, ain't they? Break it down Combat zone Comment and rate please. Here's a link to my file share, have some other cool pics. File share
I like combat zone. Looks pretty intense. The first one is ... meh. It's simple ... way too simple. And the second's not bad. Overall, 3.5/5, just because combat zone is awesome.
Do you get the first one? They look good. I laughed at the first two and the third one looks awesome with the two opposing sides about the face off. 4.5/5
Ah ... I feel stupid now. It's pretty funny. I'll raise my overall to a 4/5 now that I get the first one.
Combat Zone is the best, but Campaign is best for scenery screenshots, not action shots. These were taken on The Covenant, right?
Dude the first one lmao very cool and funny. Second is funny because if you have seen a midget dance you might understand The last one is insanium in the cranium(lol) Overall very good for campaign.
Your spam gets a 6/5. Why, might I ask, do you give the last two a 2/5? Is it because they do not have "cool effects?" The first picture is supposed to be funny (which it is, OP) and the second one is a natural screenshot taken on campaign which makes it even more better. OP: My favorite one is Combat Zone, not because of the effect but because it made me laugh. If you look in the background on the left you can see the Brute's face (driver) and his mouth is wide open with a funny expression on his face
Thanks, I don't think the other guy really understood the concept, but anyways yeah if you dl onto your xbox and see it on your big screen, it looks freaking hilarious, his face just makes its seem like he yells,"BANZAI!!!"