HRF soccer Created by Addicted Koala [br] Supported Gametypes: soccer [br] Map Description This is the 2nd version of HRF (Honor rule free) soccer. A flag spawn point and capture point are next to each goal, cut off by pallets. (Players cannot destroy them because they are set to do 0% damage.) When a goal is scored, the soccer ball causes a chain reaction (shown below) which ends up destroying the pallets giving access to the team that scored. I've finished the updated version. I polished it up and lined everything up the best I could. Also, the teleporter in the goal sends you back to the field instead of to your death. The walls are lined up and interlocked instead of overlapping each other, and the goal no longer sticks out onto the field, so each back wall is entirely flat. See updated pictures Lastly, if anyone has a good name for this, please tell. I'd like to name it something other than honor rule free soccer. I'm just not creative enough. I'll give you credit for the name. [br] _________________________________________________ [br] The ball goes off to the right... [br] Knocks the fusion coils up... [br] They blow up these coils, which in turn blow up the pallet causing the fusion coils to continually fall and explode, guaranteeing access to the goal. [br] And here's the score point close up [br] [br] [br] _________________________________________________ [br] [br] Download HRF soccer v1 Download HRF soccer v2 Download soccer [br]
Re: Soccer with no honor rules im glad ur going with no honor rules. god concept. i suggest u remake it useing the budget glitch
Re: Soccer with no honor rules I feel like an idiot, I totally forgot about the glitch! Well, I'll go ahead and make a better version if there seems to be interest in it.
Re: Soccer with no honor rules What prevents more than one player walking through the goal point to score the flag? What prevent one player from scoring over and over again while in the flag room? What if the player doesn't get to the flag room in time (pallets reappear)? I hate to sound negative because I truly do appreciate the fact that you went through all this trouble. I think you are on to something big. Keep at it, and I think we may have our first REAL soccer game of HALO 3! --dc
Re: Soccer with no honor rules You bring up some good points I forgot to cover. First, I couldn't think of a single way for this to work with absolute continuous gameplay, so it works in 5 rounds, therefore making it impossible to score twice (or more) on one goal. Also, this allowed me to set the pallets to never respawn, so you can't be trapped outside of the flag room on a goal. Don't worry about sounding negative, I want people to ask questions, give constructive criticism, and voice concerns. P.S. If anyone has an idea to make gameplay continuous, I'd like to hear them.
Re: Soccer with no honor rules Haven't tried it, but from what I see, you have a nice little elaborate system set up. It's like some of the ball returns I've seen in bowling games. I really wish bungie had made something to go with the soccer balls so we didn't have to do this, but I guess that they hoped that doing something in forge would create something. They want their fans to be creative I guess. If you want some help with a new version add me: KilerG, and I'll be glad to help make it look nice, and help with the system a bit.
Re: Soccer with no honor rules I made one once with using the following method: Goals had sideways mancannons and gravlifts that pushed the soccer ball into a "corner" that contained a receiver node (In front of this was a sender node to send cheaters to a jail). Once this receiver node was blocked, players could go down a team-divided hallway and pass through the blocked sender teleporter (thanks to the soccer ball) to get to the real teleporter and then activate a scoring mechanism. After every score, a new round was started. Just another idea if you revise your scoring mechanism.
Re: Soccer firstly, dont double post freeze fry your posts were 30 seconds apart. The unlimited budget glitch makes it so he can use more resources, and make a nicer looking map. On topic: I dont think I will download the map, because the soccer gametype is very overused and people shout waste their making a soccer map, when they could work on tree ideas. Your maps not bad just unoriginal. It is a very complex system, but I think the VIP gametype works better because it is actually fun to shoot rockets at the ball to help teammates out.
Re: Soccer English please I don't think the VIP system is bad, it's just that it requires that the VIP to go to the cage/goal by his own will aka honor rules. Also, If you don't have a good sized group to play with, docking one player from each team can negatively affect gameplay. So I agree with you, but only when your playing with a good sized group of friends. Lastly, no offense meant. (I love splat)
Re: Soccer there are some maps that give the VIP high gravity so he can't get out of the box they spawn in, so threre are no honor rules. Sorry about all the typos, I'm typing on my iPod and the touch screen sometimes presses the wrong key, and the auto correcter changes the words, I meant to say that people shouldn't waste theiir time making a soccer map and instead work on better ideas of theirs. You did a good job making the map though and I like the really complex goal system. 4/5 Thanks for liking splat
Re: Soccer with no honor rules Well, real-life soccer isn't even continuous after scoring a goal, and neither is grifball, so I see that as a viable and effective solution. All of my questions were answered, I think. As long as the fusion coils consistently destroy the pallets, I don't see any loopholes in your intricate system. I played this map with some friends recently, and it was very fun. The team that was scored upon tried to prevent the scoring team from getting in the pallet room, but this only lasted a few seconds because the only means of killing is by assassination. It was like a pillow fight, lolz! Overall 4.5/5.0 (the only reason I docked half a point is because this is not a new game) --dc