First if this needs to be moved plz move it but it seems like general chat so I was thinking of what vehicles when exploding are used to make cool looking screenshots Just tell me your favorite three because in need more screenshots ideas Mine are 1)Banshee 2)Wraith 3)Chopper
Yeah, this should be in Screenshot Discussion. Choppers make pretty cool screenshots, especially blowing up other vehicles with them.
i thought so but I don't know how to move so can some forge hub guy move this thread to screenshot discussion.
1 Warthog 2 Banshee 3 Wraith I like the warthog the best because if you get the right lighting to it, it looks very clean and professional, if you know what i mean. There are also nice explosion effects from it. The banshee is cool because of the plasma of course and the bits of pieces that fly off of it
just saying but chopper is brute but i think we know you meant non-human so i do say I agree I like the non-humans because they make blue explosions and when put with red armor they get shinning glares
I guess it all depends on the armour, the background and just personal preference, that is what determines what looks good.
Warthogs make the best screenies. Gotta stay original to HALO CE! But, choppers are pretty badass, An mongoose's. the others are to bulky and dont look good