Yeah i was surprised as well! If you try and run in the direction of the spin, you will prolong your time before you reach your death. And sometimes you can pull a weapon out of the middle of the pit as you pass by. I once picked up a sniper that had fallen in and got a shot off before i died. I bet someone with some sniper skills could pull off a headshot. I'd like to see that!
This map is really cool, I mean it's got amazingm=ness written all over it. Conquest would be honored to be played on this map. The death pit is sweet too. I will definately give it a try.
Ignore all the people saying "4.5/5" or "3.3978/5", this map is amazing and is an idea I don't think anyone's ever done before. This looks awesome and I'm gonna download, if not to play, to at least look at and fall down the spiral death trap a couple times.
I tested this map and i loved it so much. The looks are great, the weapon placement is great too. But when i went to get the middle territory i got sniped every time i left the second territory other wise it is almost the best conquest map ive seen.
wow dude, this is really amazing. i wouldn be surprized seeing this as the winning entry. amazing work with the death pit, from the pics it looks completely symetrical, which is really hard to do with complicated structures like that. the hallways do seem a little confined, although they look asthetically orgasmic (the entire map looks superclean).
the map looks great and seams like it would play real well but it looks a little cramped for a needler to work outside the pit area. and on do you actually spiral down the death pit or do you just fall down it in a line?
The needler also works well in the hallway where it spawns. You can spiral down it if you want to! If you try and run the in the direction of your spiral, you will spin around the death pit for about 5 seconds. If you want a quick death so you can respawn faster, just let the pit suck you in! Thanks for the help testing it man! I have decreased the ammo supply and increased the respawn time on the sniper rifle since you played it, and that took care of the problem
Thank you for all the feedback! Because of the increasing amount of questions concerning the specifics of the death pit, I have added another section to the post to help answer new questions. I will update this section as needed. If anyone has further questions, feel free to ask. I will post your answer here as well as the front page of this post. Thanks again!
Great Map. Although I'm not sure if I would push for 6v6, but that's just my opinion. Like everyone else, I love the deah pit, and the view of the death pit when you fall in it. lol. I like how you used the natural barrier at the top of Foundry to keep players in also. This map has great aesthetics, and looks to have greater gameplay. You have my download. Q'd. Great Map. Keep Forging.
Most people would agree with ya, 6v6 is overkill right? Thats what i thought at first too actually. But in fact, 6v6 turned out to be a blast. There was always fighting going on somewhere but there was always time to get a breather before each encounter. It worked out really well and it was surprisingly fun. Although I recommend a smaller party such as 4v4, this map can be played with a larger party as well
Wow, stunning forging as always. The death pit looks amazingly cool. It's an inverted cone! I just came from your newly posted infection maps. This looks like it would play very well for conquest, one of my favorite competitive games, I am downloading it. The actual reason I came here though, was because of the title, as I am currently making a game. Its working name is Shock Drop. I think that you should make the map work for 2 flag and neutral bomb (spawns over the death pit). It looks like it would be fun for those games as well. I have a question that I didn't see answered in the post: While people are spinning out inn the death pit, are they still contesting / capturing the central territory?
Why thank you! First off, to answer you question, no they do not contest the central territory. I originally tested it that way but it gave the other team enough time to get back to the middle before you could even gain any time towards capturing it. I have already set Drop Shock up for several other game types which are in the process of testing. I may release them after the results of the conquest forgeoff are released. As for the name, its kind of risky because it might cause a bit of confusion, but I certainly don't mind if you use that name. Good luck on your map, and feel free to invite me if you need help building or testing!
Another great map by Gunnergrunt folks, I had a great time testing this the death pit is so perfectly forged that I downloaed the map just for that.(jk) 6v6 sure was fun and chaotic. Cant wait to see your other maps to come.(I hope!)
Haha you're too kind ^.^ But yeah i'm pretty sure thats why most people download, to go play in the death pit. I know i would! Thanks for all the testing you have done by the way. As for upcoming maps, I have already drawn up the plans for a few maps on Sandbox (but that's a bit off topic). Drop Shock reached 200 downloads today! and its still going strong!
I'd like to see a bigger, more dynamic version in the sky bubble on sandbox. One with four spawn places. Like a plus, with branches coming off like a swastica! Or not. Otherwise, exellent map. This deserves to win atbleast something in this upcoming voting. 4.5/5 but I'm not gonna dl cuz it's not my thing.
Coming back from playing on it a couple times, it is much better than i had expected, its a little bumby here and there, but it is really good. really gives you a good sense of what conquest is all about. and someting that i dont see very much is in the middle you have three pathways but al lead you to the same doorway to get to the territory. so it bends the rule abit but keeps it within the regulations. it gives conquest a new meaning almost.
Thanks! I tried to stick to the conquest game variant but still make this map different from the rest. I know what you mean by "three pathways," but in a sense it can also be considered one large path as well. Either way, it provides a unique feeling for conquest.