Just something I've noticed that led me to believe that there was something wrong with my xbox's sound wires: As an Elite, you get much quieter and less emphasised sound effects when you: - Get on a stationary turret (and possibly when you get on a Warthog turret) - Get in the passenger seat of a Warthog - Reload a Rocket Launcher Have you noticed any sound effect differences like this? I was also curious as to if there are any sound effects you hear more as an Elite than as a Spartan, and what causes this difference in sound (I believe it's got something to do with Elite's hands, which are weird and slimey and have 2 thumbs on each hand apparently)
There is only one thing I think of and that's when you die as a spartan you don't always cry out as loud as a elite's (who kinda gurgle on their own blood in my opinon)
I don't play as an Elite, so I wouldn't know. And guys, I don't care if you play as Elites, but please switch to a Spartan when you go into the MLG playlist. You only embarrass yourself if you do.
i haven't noticed these things but i'll keep an ear out now that you mentioned them. i have noticed though that elites look like dinosaurs and spartans don't look like dinosaurs.
Embarrass myself? Doubt it. Everyone else is always an Elite. Don't spam my thread with that irrelevant **** plz. Also, don't say obvious stuff like "Spartans don't look like dinosaurs". Lol, but no.
I've recently been playing as an elite and i donn't realy notice a change in sound I may test it though ^^