Today, February 20th, is the start of the Forgehub's Best Forge Crew contest! You may be wondering, "Hey wiggums, what is this all about?" Well I'll tell you. The Forgehub's Best Forge Crew contest is comprised of 6 rounds, 1 audition round, and 5 competition rounds. In each round, "crews" of 2-5 people will attempt to make a map filling that rounds requirements, and in the specific time limit. Quote: Here are the rounds, and the crews that are eliminated Audition round, 10 winners chosen 1st round: 7 winners chosen 2nd round: 5 winners chosen 3rd round: 3 winners chosen 4th round: 2 winners chosen Final round: 1 winner chosen In this first audition round, you must follow some rules. Quote: 1. All maps submitted must be created after February 20th, 2009. 2. All maps submitted must have been created by 2-5 people. 3. All maps must be submitted Before March 20th, or on the day of. 4. All glitches are allowed while making maps, but Modding isn't. 5. All maps must fit the specifications, or they will be removed. And now onto the specifications for this rounds maps: Quote: 1. Must be Non-Symmetrical 2. Must support FFA and Team slayer (because that is what we are playing on it to judge) 3. Must be on Foundry So, If you need to ask a question, pm me or Triple08 Also, If you need to find partner(s), we are going to use this as a discussion thread to ask questions/find partners. Due date of this rounds maps: March 20th Note: THIS MAP IS NOT A SUBMISSION THREAD. You must post your submissions in the submission thread. This thread will be used solely for discussion of this contest.
There are a couple of typos up there but this sounds awfully fun. I'll try to get a couple of my friends together.
Request permission before you edit the banner, please. Here's the original, your edit is horrible. As for your guideline, I disagree with a lot of it. Maps can be either symmetrical or asymmetrical, why limit the 'best forge crew'? As for 2. that sounds reasonable. But for 3? That's is honestly the worst decision. Foundry is not Forge! This contest is designed to let people show their creativity, resulting in them becoming the 'worlds best forge crew.' Once, you're limiting people to an overused map that is terribly bland. Although great for Forging, let other maps be used so we can see the full extent of peoples skills. Oh, why does the banner say 'Sandbox Release Forging Contest'? Take a hint. That was the original concept, until you completely ****ed it up. Don't give me **** about, "TripleO8 agreed with me.." because your not a very good consultant.
O.K., I don't know why you keep doing this, but go talk to triple08. EVERYTHING I wrote, went through him, and EVERYTHING In there, was approved by him. Why are you questioning everything we did, AFTER we posted the thread?
Ma group will take part in this. We are called the-- Double Boxes Youtuber Solo92 XLMS Trilogy Jeten94- I put him at the bottom of the list, becuase of two reasons, one he doesnt do very good in forging, two, because I really don't like being around him, his stupidty wears off on you after a while. O, and sometimes he just has seizures and starts yelling random stuff like, I love a polar bear over something else
Just throwing this out there, but for anyone who's interested in this but doesn't have a group, I don't either, so uh, message me.
Sorry I missed the post of this guys, I was in TGIAD. Anyway, I was wondering if I could try to talk people from other sites to sign up for this Contest?
Heyy, add the graphics in this? andd make it look cleaner. lol this is good, but lets like seperate it a bit, like with bolded lines? kinda like they did in the Template Contest. And add graphics or whatever.
your going to have to be clearer. and from now on, ALL in the contest staff, Why are we talking here? Go to the group to complain/discuss.