you need to embed your pics, goto, recent screenshots (or fileshare if thats where they are) Save the images to your computer then go to Photobucket (Search it on google), register and then click "UPload", chhose the pictures that you saved and wait for them to upload, once thats complete open up a new tab and come here, copy the code under the image on photobucket (Img code) and click "insert image" on your thread, paste and then delete the "IMG" of both ends of the code, Then your images will be embedded, sorry if this confused you, im sure someone can post a better guide than me
They're both very good. I like how you got effects even though they're in campaign. I give them a 4.5/5. Not 5/5 because you should've taken the second one closer. Good job though.
peronally, i like the second one better just kinda well... its a odst guy usin a lazorz lol 4/5 nice job keep it up
This is incredible. I actually thought it was the real thing untill I read the comments. Very original idea with outstanding effects. Good work!
im just kidding electronik . i think these are very good and have a srong feeling that these will get you the maps erly but i hope you dont cuz you will make fun of me. ps i am so awesome now im gettin favorites. BTW 5/5 they r awesome. oops double post im sorry im tired
El3ctr0niC's ODST = Proz. I likez the laser one. The other one is meh... 5/5 for the laser one and 1/5 for the one (lol jkz 4/5 for the other one).