Da hoodDa Hood is a cops and robbers map to be played with the game types "Cop Vs Gangsta." The map was based on a few key components, being able to jump everywhere on roof tops, having plenty of hiding spaces, looking like the city, having a fun and functional jail with countless possabilities. The map has hidden weapons for the cops to pick up. With every house house a different weapon, the nicer the house, the nicer the weapon (house=pistol/smg, mansion=shotgun). There also is a trip mine hiden on the map as well as three turrets inside the jail. There is a soccer field in the jail as well as 6 cells that can be shot through any way but bottom and the front. There are also many vehicles on the map if the cop wants to take someone to jail fast and does mind risking his life, or if he wants to just patrol in his cop car. The Jail The Buildings/Houses The Mansion And Some More Houses Cop Vs GangstaThe is a game of infection where 25% percent of player are Zombies, everyone has one life, this is to be played like cops and robbers. The cop (zombie) orders people he finds to do things like go to jail or sing happy birthday, or whatever he finds he wants the person to do, and if they do not do it, or time is winding down, the cop can shoot the uninfected. Cops start out with an smg and have 300% percent damage reistance with no shields. The Gangsta (uninfected) start out with a plasma pistol and 10% damage resistance. The cops and forced color blue and gangstas are forced colored black. The last man has normal shields and damage reistance. Each round is 7 minutes long and there are 10 rounds (rounds and time are alterable depending on group size and what they want). Each person has 1 life and friendly fire is off. Weapon pickup and full vehicle use are given to the cops but no weapon pickup and only passengers is the abilities of the gangstas. Download Da Hood (Map): Halo 3 File Details Download Cop vs Gangsta (Gametype): Halo 3 File Details
interesting concept. the cops and robbers game-type is a good setting for your map. the map looks great and looks like a nice place to play.
It's an interesting concept, but i would like to see more pictures to see more of nthe map. Although from what i see its a pretty well made map
while i don't really care for cops N robbers (or any derivatives there of) i really like the way you made it look/feel like a full, fleshed out city. there is some decent interlocking, and the map looks well layed out. looks fun
first off nice mae very gangster these buildings and the way u put it together actually make it looks like a real neighbor hood; not much fusing or geomrging but it looks like itll have great gameplay on infection gametypes