Map name: Dexterous(v2) Description: This is a great map for battletracks, its smooth, fast and very open. it has 2open shooting parts, check pic2 and pic3 Gamertag: Lewis KF22 Map Used: Foundry Recommended Players: 2-8 Supported Gametypes: All racing gametypes. Link: Halo 3 File Details Extra Details: I might try and get a video soon pictures: start start/ geomerged ramp from the ramp up to bank 180degrees bank wall-made wave / flat turn / uncheatable finish most important... Have Fun if you missed DL-link then click here
hmm i could use a few more pictures to better understand the shape and design of the track (maybe take a shot from the corner of the tracked where the wall corners are). Well geomerged double boxes forming your ramp by the way
Let me just say that Im not a fan of race maps, but you make it look very fun! I can see why people like them. This is very good. My rating from the pics is a 5/5
best race amp ive seen besides quasar but this one is very neat with great merging; the way u used the objects make it a much longer course than others making it more fun and challenging
the race track is very nice. the interlocking is good and the geomerging at the beginning is very neat. the race tack looks exciting. i dont understand the gravlift thing but it looks like it would be sweet for gameplay.
Wow, you did a nice job keeping battle tracks into the picture. And its still a good racetrack for just plain racing. The concept is simple-but it's very well made. Good job
thanks alot guys, im so glad getting so much positive feedback, i will add some pictures really soon .
actual;ly they are, you see those one or two doubleboxes at the bottom of the first ramp.. remember me, its tiki bumba!.... i like how the track goes, it workss with a lot of battle track game variants, i want to try battle snipes, since most of it is open. im wondering if you used money glitch or not cuz it seems a littlew bit short..but i give it a 5/5
- yes indeed they are geo'd - yes i remember you. - good luck on the battle snipes game - no moneyglitch involved, I dont moneyglitch anymore, since theres not so much bordering needed with BT ~ Pictures Added after request ~
i was just asking about the money glitch because it looks like it could be a bit longer, or add some more scenery