This track was made by apocalypse2695 Track: Icy Falls Map:Avalanche Difficulty: Medium Description: Amazing Avalanche sky track with incredible interlocking, bordering, and smooth banks. cheatproof and PERFECT FOR TOURNEYS :] Pics DOWNLOAD Icy Falls: Halo 3 File Details
This is great. Perfect smooth track not much interlocking but still smooth I love it. It is a need for speed 4.6/5
If you can make your pictures bigger it will be easier for us to see, other than that its a pretty cool idea and it looks really smooth. Not too many people can build a racing map on avalanche and you pulled it off.
Hey, you should probably make the part about this being made by apoc a little more noticeable. Maybe a bigger font and a brighter color, because I thought you had stolen it for a minute there. I really love this track though. The checkpoint placement is bad, but the track is a blast to play.
it amazes me how many people think that interlocking automatically makes a map better. this map is super smooth and clean without accessive amounts of interlocking, so why would interlocking it more make it better? dling now...
Interlocking shows more effort and yes it does make it a fair amount smoother if done right. Most amazing racetracks use alot of interlocking. Jus pointing that out but the track looks really good.
Why is there a debate on interlocking for THIS track? In Icy Falls, 100% of the double boxes that are used for the track are interlocked. The other objects don't need to be interlocked because they fit together smoothly as is. Interlocking CAN add to the smoothness of a track, but is not necessary 100% of the time.
I agree with blade, and I was going to basically say the same thing. Interlocking is really important when you are turning pieces. In other words, if you are working on a banked turn then you would want to interlock it. If you are working on a straight away, and the pieces can fit end to end, then you can get away with not having to interlock all pieces. Interlocking shows that the creator spent more time and can, if done correctly make certain sections smooter.
nice racing map. it looks very nice and flat. very well forged. although everyone does racing maps, after a while they start to all look the same. i like the forging the best. nice job
Wow i figured this would be like all the other avalanche race tracks but its actually new for once. Nice job but i don't think the images are too small to see it, its perfectly visible. Nice job 4/5
hey, just wondering... is this the same map i saw featured on halotracks? anyways... very nice map, kudos on the feature on halotracks, very clean even though there is not much interlocking 4.7/5 [errm, this better not be infracted for some sort of... advertising? i dunno lol.]
I really like the new style of racing you have used with your track. I got real tired of having most the tracks being on Foundry and only taking like a few seconds and then your on the next lap. Sure they are nice and interlocked but they are just not as fun as something like this. I congragulate you on the new aproach so I say 4.5/5