Death Race X2 Is a Battle Filled Race Game, Where Teams work together in 2 (two people on one team) To destroy their opponents and get to the Hill A.S.A.P Players Start In A Spawn that has Trip mines, Fire Bombs, And some Needlers, Game Mode: Halo 3 File Details Map Variant: Halo 3 File Details FIRST MAP!! Heres Some Picz Starting Position Launching in 5 4 3 2 1 BLAST OFF ZomFg It r Pinb4ll o noez It r A Signs ROAD BLOKZ Wait What the heck ghosts... ProPainTanks In These Rooms ... You Will Become a God.. Well Guys This was my first map hope you enjoy Make sure you download the gametype :]
To those above me I'd like to point out one thing and you'll find it hard to believe. Interlocks and geomerging are NOT needed to make a good map so it is unfair to give him poor rating because of it. Download and play it before you give it a rating, for all you know it could be an amazing course but you won't know until you play IT. Alright now my rant is over. The map looks interesting but there might be a problem with the small size of the course and then having mongooses and ghosts. The path doesn't look that clear from the pictures but after playing I'll know. No rating yet because I haven't played IT.
Im sorry but any racetrack with that many propane tanks is an epic fail from the start. it might be fun once or twice with a friend but after that most people would delete it. Really I dont like criticizing on maps tho so I will say that the firebombs and tripmines would add a little competition. But overall 1/5
thank you guys for your honesty, im already working on a race track, spent 3 hours on it, this time ITS GONA BE BEAST!!!!
I did play it and interlocking and geomerging doesn't make a track. TRUE. It makes for a smooth ride and a fun race. I would not bash a map that has potential without D/L it. I do think you should interlock and make it a map thats not all flatland
I agree, as great as this is... interlocking would make it better If its a death race you want, I think it would be better to have a bit more space. The routes are too narrow for that. But I heard Sandbox is pretty big...
i usually dont like racing maps but i really like the idea of this map. t=using ghosts are a sweet addition to a dangerous map. it reminds mr of mario cart. i also like how if your in the front everyone is going to be gunning for you. a lot of different idea incorporated into the map ads excitement. very nice map.