Tredmill is an infection map based on Blackout. It has many crooks and nanny's to hide in, some traps and buttons and even (wait for it)... floating objects!!! Ammo is scarce but guns are in large numbers! There are a few safe rooms and some other cover to be found. The name of the map actually is: A Tredmill Because the game variant that comes with it is called running The end result is: Running on A Tredmill Each round is different as different objects spawn at different times! Info: Zombies: Speed = 300% Gravity = 50% Health = 200% Shields = NONE Weapon = Energy Sword Damage = 50% Sensors = Enhanced mode (75 meters) Color = Black (no camo) Alpha Zombie: Speed = 300% (25% for 30 secs at beginning of round) Gravity = 50% Health = 300% Shields = NONE Weapon = Energy Sword Damage = 75% Sensors = Enhanced mode (75 meters) Color = Black (no camo) Humans: Speed = 90% Gravity = 100% Health = 110% Shields = Normal Shield Recharge Rate (SRR) = 50% Shield Vampirism = 10% Leech Weapon = Plasma Pistol (Can pick up weapons!) Damage = 75% Sensors = Normal mode (25 meters) Color = White (Poor camo) Last Man Standind: Speed = 90% Gravity = 100% Health = 500% Shield = 3x Overshield Shield Decay = -10% Shield Vampirism = 10% Leech Weapon = Weapon they are carrying Damage = 90% Sensors = Normal mode (25 meters) Color = White (Poor camo, no waypoint) Here's some pics: This is were the humans start with a few weapons to grab (minus the spartan lazer) This is were the zombies spawn, a grav lift spawns at the end of the hallway after 30 secs to let zombies out This is the first switch; destroy the grav lift to either have one impenetrable base or to let the zombies out earlier... it's a 50/50 situation (results and grav lift spawns at start of round may vary) This also allows the zombies to get onto the platform below this easier, without the grav lift, the zombies can jump through a gap and land right next to unsuspecting survivors... you'll know what i mean when you play this One of the floating platforms, this one is a hard one to get to, but it pays off to be up here! The other floating platform, multiple ways to get to it! includes grenades, a brute launcher and a flare This grav lift may also turn on other things! (destroy the pallets to block off the hole in the roof!) This is were the zombies come out after the brav lift spawns A neat little hiding spot, hide in either box or both in the small gap in between! An example of how dark it can get, the flamethrower spawns here after 3 mins! This is were the rocket launcher spawns, it never respawns after use! Plus: There is also a secret area where there are great weapons and lots of them, if you find that area, there are lots of great benefits!!! Link: Halo 3 File Details Game Variant: (I changed a few aspects of the game variant ) A Tredmill v2; Want a better version of Tredmill? Sick of the humans finding the hiding spot and kicking your ass? Do you want another hiding, and maybe have the zombies not coming at you at the very start of the round? Sick of that bloody human with the flamethrower? Then Tredmill v2 is for you!!! With one more secret hiding spot so that you have choice !!! Kahled says: "It's Great!!!" Link: I made this map very quickly as something to pass the time, it was not as well thought out or neat as my upcoming maps, so if there are some odd things about it... then oops, my bad!
lulz crooks and nannys... i hope u no thats not rite lol... anyway this map looks pretty decent for a infection map on blackout and i will definately give it a spin once i get my 360 back
It looks good, but I suggest that you don't include so many benefits in the secret area. You should either make it difficult for the zombies to reach, or include a few good weapons, but don't make it a campalouza bunker that, once found, the humans will go to every round, ruining the rest of the map. At least that's the impression I get of it from what you've said. I would download and look for myself, but I'm out of room. If you didn't make it a game-ruining bunker, the map should be rather good. It would also be cool if you included several secret spots, each with their own (not game-ruining or overpowering) benefits. SPAM:
Yeah, i'm sorry it's not the best... in facr, i'll redo it and re-post the link back here so then it's better!!! My favourite part is that small intersection between the boxes where you can fit in, everyone i played with was like WTF? p.s. can you spam your own post?
the map looks very planned out. but i cant figure it out what your supposed to d. it just looks like there is a bunch of random places to fight at. i like how its on blackout out you need to take better pics when posting maps. overall the map looks like it would be fun to play on.
the original thought was, plan your defences, sort of like multiple choice, once you go with a plan, you have to stick to it, or it'll go haywire, that's why this map makes you think about strategy (and blowing stuff up) it may not seem that deep, but it actually is.