Lost & Damned (GTA IV) Discussion Thread. (Now Compiling List of New Stuff!) It cost £14 and 7 hours to download. but I'm finally playing it. I'm about to start the first mission, just watching the cutscene. Thoughts on the game? EDIT: I am now compiling a list of all the new weapons, vehicles, radio songs etc. that come with the add-on. Please add to it, I've only done two missions! New Stuff! Vehicles Rhapsody. Ugly, slow version of the Blista Compact. May be the new Perennial. Bexer. Main bike you ride in the campaign. Easy to control, hard to fall off of. Weapons Sawn-off Shotgun Fully automatic Pistol Pipe Bomb Auto-Shotgun Grenade Launcher (5 second explosion delay) Tommy-gun style Auto-shotgun. Very powerful. Radio Tracks Loada random new biker **** on LRR. Other than that, not much.
I haven't played much of the game, but I see a lot of changes that I like. I like how Liberty Rock Radio has 18 more songs. And the motorcycles are so much easier to control now that it is less likely for you to get thrown off. The new weapons such as the sawn off and the machine pistol are of course sweet for combat, and I cannot wait to get my hands on the grenade launcher and automatic shotgun.
If everything could be transferred over to the original game, this would be a definite buy for me. I'm just not sure, because it's like $20 and takes up a gig and a half, or somewhere near there. I don't have too much memory left on my hard drive, so I really need to pick and choose what I DL.
I got it and beat the story... I thought it was pretty epic, some harder missions, but you have to remember to always call backup in those situations. Plus theres an achievement for calling backup to a certain point or w/e.... I also like the new weapons. The autoshotty is epic, and the sawn off shotty, auto pistol, pipe bombs, grenade launcher, all cool. idk some people might thing the storage amount and stuff make it not worth it, but imo, I loved TLAD... XD
In my opinion, your missing out, it's one of the best deals in DLC history. A 12 hour campaign, half a dozen new weapons, 20 new cars, and new multiplayer modes that are actually very cool. If there was one dlc to get this year, it's this one.
Not to downsize the DLC, but most of those 20 new cars are actually new motorcycles. And, I just remembered I have the Halo Wars demo on my HD, and so maybe I will go through my memory this weekend and clear out that was well as other unneeded things to make some room for it.
Eh, it's not necessarily a bad thing, I just think that cars are more interesting and offer more room for uniqueness. New bikes aren't bad, because who would want to ride around the city on the already booming selection of three bike models?
Thats actually the opposite of what i think. Bikes allow you to speed through traffic, use a sawed off shot gun, and all around just have more fun.
Right now im working the corners to earn $20, i really want to get this new DLC. Can anybody tell me if your still able to use Nikko? or is there like a menu where your select the different parts?
Nope, this whole game is focused on Johnny Clevitz (spelling... not sure). It is quite a buy, although your not moving from Liberty City, this definitely feels like a different game.
Guys, I'm having a problem with L&D. How do you play it after DLing it?? I put the disc in now and it just keeps loading regular GTA IV. How do I play L&D (bearing in mind that I didn't save the game after loading it, I forgot about the lack of autosave)
The bikes are: Innovation (Chopper) Hexer (Chopper) Hirukashi (sp?) (Asian piece of plastic(lulz)) and the Double T Custom (Two wheeled Turismo) BTW The game is awesome. Yes game. It's an entirely new game. I beat it in about 9 hours and the ending is EPIC! EpicFishFingers, You have to go to the pause screen, or sleep, and it will ask for you to got to TLAD. For me it, it gave an option to go to TLAD or continue my normal campaign of death. Oh, and the Annihilator fires explosive rounds now. Just so you guys know...
I downloaded the game last night took less than 20 minutes to download (sucks for you fish since it took me only a fraction of the time) Heres my overall impressions. I liked it a lot really, the cross overs, from johnny and Niko are funny, to see how the things johnny does in TLAD effeced niko in the acutal game, such as playboy x, the ray missions, and kidnapping roman. It really kept a unqiueness that portayed my intrests over and over. Over all it took me around 6 hours to beat the game. (lmao I beat it in less of the time it took you to dl) The story was well played to corrleate with GTA4, i only wishd to see little jacbo, or packy though. I love the end and storming the prision to kill billy, even though i knew from the start i was problay gonna have to kill this guy sooner or later. New weapons are nice, and i love the new bike handling, and i love the failed mission checkpoints. Anyways, i wouldnt say it was worth 20 dollars, but it was really fun to play all night last night since i had nothing else to do.
I like at the beginning, where that one dude is doing the Russian chick, and gets killed by Niko, and you(Johnny) never realizes it, and when you have to hide the diamonds in the trash-cans, and in the normal game, Niko has to get them out of the trash. It's an epic game, and the multiplayer is awesome.