Note to Admins/Mods/Guards: I created double threads for a reason, Gaming discussion gets almost no attention, yet it's the appropriate place for this thread. In case someone goes to Gaming Discussion, and is interested, I want them to see it. Though, our populous here at Forge Hub visits Off-Topic regularly. Alright, now, it's come down to the actual setting up, and so, here I am. Any and all suggestions were looked at in the previous threads, and this thread is here to do a bit more discussing of the tourney/a little less of rambling about your favorite perk/whatever. I am going to ask you all for your opinion on certain things. Simply answer them as though you would a test at school. An example response will be shown at the bottom of this post. Note: Votes are subject to be dismissed, on the basis that I feel otherwise. 1) Team Structure, Either: A) Teams of 2 B) 3 C) 4 D) 5 E) 6 2) Maps to be used: A) Any B) Small maps (Dome, etc) C) Medium maps (Hangar, etc) D) Large maps (Outskirts, etc) E) Decided upon by the two teams fighting. F) Randomized after teams set-up with A, B, C, & D as options. G) Randomized after teams set-up with A, B, & C as options. And any other various questions you may have, ask me here. I'll work up another poll. Example Response:
I think teams of 3 would make it more interesting. B C G Large maps with 3 people wouldn't make much sense.
3) Gametypes to be played ((x3), (x2), (x1) = number of times to play that gametype): A) War(x3) B) Hardcore War(x3) C) Hardcore War(x2)/Hardcore Team Deathmatch(x1) D) Hardcore War(x2)/War(x1) E) Hardcore War(x1)/War(x2) F) Hardcore War(x1)/War(x1)/Hardcore Team Deathmatch(x1) G) Agreed upon by the teams fighting during that round. Note: It will be best 2/3, so if you chose C, you would play 2 games of HC War, then one game HCTD.
C E G 4v4 is decent for any kind of map and the players should get to choose whatever. I also think the players should choose what they play so you have to be ready for anything.