It does make it worse, but I like using it because you know when and where you're getting shot from immediately and can do something about it.
Bumper Jumper sensitivity 10 (only because my pad doesnt work properly, its just like a 4) Vibration on
I use default, haven't tried any others, default senestivity, Vibratetioin on, never could get used to something new, and when i go back to default, I am bad at both of them lol; i have learned my leason
My friend turned it off on my profile as a prank on me for that exact reason, and it annoyed the hell out of me. I kept forgetting to look for how to change it (this was a while back), and it ended up getting left like that for ages. But tbh after a while I just got used to using the sound (much better once I got my X1's) and watching the bar out of the corner of my eye. If anything I'm more alert now (although this is also due to the fact that I've just got more on the ball in Halo in general after playing for longer) and my BR has improved phenomenally, I can't stand having vibration on now.
Get used to Bumper Jumper, I played on Default from the day it came out to June. It took about a week to get used to it, and am happy I changed it. I've gotten a lot better by using it, but that is my personal experience and now preference.
Has anyone found it easy or difficult to switch back from bumper jumper to default? I want to try bumper jumper, but I'm afraid it'll screw me up if I want to switch back.
I play on Bumper Jumper 3 Sensitivity (I used to play on 7 for a long time so everything is easier to aim now) Toggle Croutch Vibration off
Default (i tried BJ, jus isn't comfy for me...) Sensitivity: 9-10 (I'd LOVE to see you out-BR me...) Toggle Crouch (and i can still Ghost-Edge on the drop of a hat!) Vibration: On (usually have lil cousins over screamin their asses off, easier to pay attention.)
Bumper Jumper ftw. It's definitely the best strategically because you can aim, jump, and melee without inhibiting your movement. Once you get used to it, it makes things much easier, except when you are racing (can't turn and get on a vehicle at the same time), which is pretty much all I do on Halo 3, but I refuse to switch back to Default just in case I ever get back into matchmaking. I use 5 sensitivity and vibration on. Edit: I don't use toggle crouch because its easier to tea bag without it. I did it for a long time, but now I don't crouch enough to verify its use. I just out BR people now instead of crouching in the corner with the shotty. Alas, I was a noob at one time. sadface
Boxer, seven sensitivity. I've been meaning to try bumper jumper, but I'm too set in my ways of Boxing. It was how I was introduced to Halo, after all...