Holy crap! that game icludes the single player from Conkers Bad Fur Day with xbox graphics!! How did I not know about this?? I must have it. And I apllaud you Perfectdark
that game was awesome love the bit at the begining when its "slightly" different to fool the audience into thinking the rest of the game will be too. I honestly thought everyone had that game XD it rocked
To be honest, I don't remember a lick about this game, except its bad*ssness. The Nintendo 64 was and still is the greatest system ever. Me and my friends were talking about how sweet it would be to have Mario Kart 64 and SSB online. I know the new ones are/going to be online, but face it, they are nothing compared to the originals.
What more cna be said about SSB? They took all the awesome characters they could get the licsensing contracts for and decided to throw them into an arena for no apparent reason and duke it out until someone was fired off into the distance team rockets style(yes i watched pokemon as a child hehe) It was pure crazy awesome fun But the best thing was with all the different moves it was nuts but still involved skill to play You could literally take on six enemies or so at once and win if you knew what you were doing. And it never stooped to the level some halo players go to,no one ever took it seriously and it was in essence the greatest idea ever. Yeah off topic but i had to say my piece about one of my favorite games from the era of the 64
Wow my N64 days were so much funner before I got Xbox live reading this thread made me realize that. I cant wait for the new Banjo that game was so epically fun.
i'll probably stop playin halo for as long as it takes me to finish it i still have the original ones and they're as fun as ever does anyone know when it's supposed to come out?
i think i read somewhere that it is due out in spring but i'm not sure if that is your spring or my spring (im in australia)
no i'm pretty sure i read it in a 360 mag and why would they put the release dates of games on other consoles in their mag?
Nope microsoft owns rare and rare own banjo kazzooie,so it should be on the 360 unless nintendo buys rare back
They do? Jesus Bill Gates owns ****ing everything doesnt he?! Seriously tho i didnt know they did,got a link to an article or something?It seems unlikely tho since if they actually owned part of the company why would they invest in their compeditors....also MC would be in brawl if they did