1. How do you create multiple teams (3, 4, etc) like in Rocket Race or this weeks Team Melee? 2. I want my map to be playable with both 2-Flag and Slayer (both symmetrical gametypes). How do you make sure players start equally spreaded around the map in Slayer, but together at each base in 2-Flag? Thanks!
For more than two teams, simply set the starting points for each team by pressing X. Change the teams to defenders (Team 1), attackers (Team 2), 3rd team (Team 3), and 4th team (Team 4). Remember that starting points only appear when you press start in forge and press change gametype. So, for multi flag, select CTF as the gametype and set the starting points, but only for two teams.
Look at some of the maps that Bungie has. They are set up for every possible gametype. What Bungie does on a map is they use one starting spawn point, which they set to a specific team (up to 8), then they'll put respawn points around them (just regular respawn points). That ensures that your team will spawn around you in symmetric games or multi-team games. That also works for FFA for up to 8 players, if you do over 8, then you may have the 9th and up people get bad spawns that are totally random. If you set it up like with what Bungie has, then you can run FFA on it, and if you set the starting spawn points correctly, then you should be able to run symmetrical gametypes on them. That's also why you don't see the Pro Circuit MLG maps set up for FFA, it's the way they set up their starting spawn points. They'll place 4 down in their respective starting areas that are completely symmetrical to what the other team will have. That ensures equality at the start when you rush power weapons. Sorry if that's a little hard to comprehend. Spawns can be hard to understand sometimes.