NOTE: This idea may have been done before. If so, please send me a link to that map, and I will remove this instantly. I do not want to steal someone's work and idea. I'm also not sure that I posted this in the right topic. If I did not post it in the right one, please tell me, so I can tell a Moderator to move it. Map: Sandtrap Made by: Shirdel7221 Max. Players: 4 Usable with: Nothing. Download Link: Halo 3 File Details Yes, my dear friends, I've finally made something other then a Racetrack. And it is: A Trampoline. Allow me to explain how I made it: I made a Floating Sender Node, and I put a Crate in it, like this. (Reciever Node underneath explained later) Then, I placed a GIANT line of Sender and 2-Way Nodes underneath, all with their hooky parts pointing upwards (The direction the Hooky Parts are in is the Part that people come out of), like this: And then you have a Trampoline. But of course, what happens if you fall off of it? Well, there's one lone Sender Node, which is shown here with little me: Which takes you back up to the Reciever Node, shown here: And that's pretty much it. 4 Starting Points and 1 Respawn Point (in case things get ugly) on the Crate, and we're all done. Here's the download link in case you missed it: Halo 3 File Details Well, that's everything. Download, Rate & Review accordingly. And finally, if you didn't read the note above, then I beg you to read it now. NOTE: This idea may have been done before. If so, please send me a link to that map, and I will remove this instantly. I do not want to steal someone's work and idea. I'm also not sure that I posted this in the right topic. If I did not post it in the right one, please tell me, so I can tell a Moderator to move it. Thank you. Now, finally, I would like to announce something: I am now going to start a Pre-DLC Racetrack Series, starting with Construct. I might be helped by any of the following people: xXxLeeman23xXx, eFx | L3GEND |, (Gamertag replaces |'s with I's) yodasparentist, alphazombie100, mastermattie177 or Cpt Tardbag. Thanks for looking. NEXT MAP: Trampoline V2 Shirdel out.
yeah... this map concept has been done already, but i wouldn't worry about taking someones idea because it was more of a community idea than that of one person. if you look up halo 3 trampoline on you'll see what i mean.
I think H3T found this almost half a year ago. It's still a fun idea. You should think of a new twist for it.
This map has been done before by many different people, but nobody has posted it because it's not an actual map. It is fun to go up and down, but there's no point to it. There's no kind of gameplay. Try making it team slayer, infection, etc.. Try to add some sort of twist.
I thought someone else did it. Right... I'll make a few changes... Heh-heh-heh. Trampoline V2 coming out this week. I've got 2 ideas for it. One's a Slayer match, and the other's a Infection Gametype. Say which one you would prefer.
Neither. I'd prefer unique, well-designed maps, even if they arent in Foundry. To be blunt, the first is just a bunch of teles, and i doubt you can do much more with a V2. 1/5 sorry...
Oh really? Trust me. I do belive I am going to make you eat your words. I'm also going to reveal a little bit about V2. It's going to feature 3 new things. Rockets, Ultra-Fast Zombies, and Mines. OOOO
Sounds retarded if you dont mind me saying lol. You might want to wait and do this on sandbox instead of sandtrap too just because you will actauly be able to forge around this "concept" . Please dont put this in an infection game though with rockets thats just not a good idea if you do it wrong.
For me, Sandbox is not the way to go for this map. Rest assured, I will take advantage of both the Sky Bubble and the Ground Floor, (possibly even The Crypt) for Racetracks, but I'm sticking with Sandtrap for this. It should go well if it goes according to plan.
lol you cant be serious right?!? You kno sandbox is basicaly sandtrap but about 10 times better and larger and is forgeable. Why do you want to do this on sandtrap its not very hard to recreate if your worried about that lol.
You can have all of that plus more on Sandbox lol are you not buying the maps? Theres so many options on Sandbox if you make this map it will just be burried by the Sandbox creations.
Yes, I've pre-ordered Halo Wars LCE. Anyways, Sandtrap has something that Sandbox doesn't. MINES. I really didn't want to reveal this, but it's not Trip Mines I have in mind...
Yes sandtrap has the mine field guardians which has already been made into a mini game in the past but sandbox has some really cool lasers in towers. Now thats some crazy lord of the ring **** hahaha.
I don't really care if it's been made into a Mini-Game before, because I have a totally different idea for it. Also, the Lasers are a little TOO accurate to be honest. And too powerful.
Ok good luck the one major problem you'll have is making the map that you lay down not explode when people or the mines explode near them. Dont forget to over load the map first or you'll have a verry hard time building in the guardian zone.
I won't say your v2 is much of a "concept" of a map. This has been done many times before, and adding rockets and zombies won't really clear any of this mess up. 2/5.
I've tried making a V2 on Sandtrap, and I don't really like it. I've decided to take Eyeless Sid's idea and wait for Sandbox to come out. In the mean-time, I'm going to finish a Obstacle Course for Blackout that I've been making.