I don't know if you guys have heard about this yet, but Bungie has announced that they will give the Mythic Map Pack away early and for free as a prize in a contest. The contest is to create the best ODST-themed Campaign screenshot, and the contest ends on Monday. I have three pics. If you like them, please follow the link in the title of the screenshot to their Bnet location and rate them, as well as reinforcing the tags. (Please?) That might help me win! Enjoy. Trial By Fire Versatile Border Still Alive (This is a new shot, its not in the poll.)
I would say Trial By Fire because it's got that intense lighting, but it doesn't eat the entire pic and the guy is visible.
definitely border is the best because it looks like hes telling people to follow him into the light 4/5 my least favorite is versatile 2/5
Well, I thought about that too, but I looked at all the leading/top ODST pics on Bungie.net, and very few have lighting that encompasses the soldier. The ones that do generally don't look very good, and in this pic, I think it would be impossible to see the background.
Oh. Okay. Nevermind. A lot of people have viewed this, but no one else has posted. Why? I want to know what people think, if I should go back and try to take a shot from a different angle. I know how to remake the first one anyways... EDIT: I've added one new screenshot.
To be honest i don't like border. His stance just looks so awkward to me. Same with trial by fire, although the action lighting somewhat makes up for it. Versatile is cool i guess, ODST making 'splosions.
As a work of art, the composition of versitile is the best. Border has a deep interpretation but the white half looks empty.
id have to say thet i only like the first one. the other ones dont realy have any cool effects and are not that eye pleazing
Yeah, the first one is my favorite too. To Chuck, I think his stance looks cool in Border, but I agree that he looks kind of awkward in Trial by Fire. Anybody know if Bungie will tell us when the contest is over?