If you like them, please download or plus tag them. It would be nice. I don't expect to win mythic, but if I do that would be great. I want to be a winner in both competitons so I can give one to my and and I can give my limited edition halo wars code off in a forgehub contest. It was a fun experiance taking these. Here. 1. Battle Hardened ODST's doing what they do best... winning. 2. Red Fog Doesn't affect ODST's. 3. Meteor Shower Take evasive manuver. 4. Aim Gettin ready to fire. 5. Angry You won't like him when he's angry. 6. Pink It's the new black. My favorite are Pink, and Angry. What do you guys think?
I'll be critical: 1. the guy's sniper is going into the rock... idk just kind of stands out 2. it's just the back side of a guy with red... really doesn't look like much.. 3. I can't tell that those are rocks in mid air... just looks like part of the scenery 5. Way too close... it would have been a great picture if you used the rule of thirds or something, but that guy's helmet kind of ruins it the rest are ... pretty good... nothing really special, except for maybe the pink one.
The 4th one is my favorite. The lighting can be adjusted to make it look better though. In overall for all these pics. Ill give them a 3.5/5
The first is the best only because you did a good job with light and centering the fourth would be the best if centered better overall 3.5/5 try more effects in campaign not just pink and brightness
Yeah, I was trying to avoid centering. I was tired, it was morning, and I really didn't try too hard. I honestly thought 4 was my worst. : | Weird. Thanks, next time I take pictures I'll take that into consideration.