Download Metropolis Download Conquest V3 Recomended Players: 2v2 - 5v5 Metropolis is a very suitable name for this map, aside from the two escalators, it has a large urban look and feel to it. This conquest map boasts great field of views, which really adds to gameplay. I tried my best with weapon layout, which i don't have much experience with, but i don't notice any degradation, hopefully you agree. Metropolis is my first venture into competitive map making, and i choose the original and exciting game of conquest, because it is the funnest competitive game i've played, it actually comes close to casual and mini-games in my books. Well, enough words, here is the map: [vimeo]3276053[/vimeo] This is some footage of the early stages of testing. A big thanks to Tydo, for making the video. Alot of thinks have been updated, uncluding the escalators and weapon placement.[aname=1]Layout[/aname] [jumpto=1][/jumpto] [jumpto=1] [/jumpto] Weapon List: [weapon] / [respone rate] / [place at start] / [spare clips] x2 assult rifle / 10 / yes / 2 x4 smg / 30 / yes / 2 x2 firebomb / 10 / no x2 sniper rifle / 30 / yes / 2 x2 battle rifle / 30 / yes / 2 x2 firebomb / 20 / yes x2 firebomb / 45 / yes x2 needler / 20 / yes / 1 x2 plasma rifle / 30 / yes x2 battle rifle / 30 / yes / 2 x2 firebomb / 30 / yes x1 brute shot / 30 / no / 1 x1 custom power-up / 150 / no Thanks to all the testers! Download Metropolis Download Conquest V3
looks nice, maybe put an overview and geo a bit more, otherwise nice, Would DL but I don't have any room, very nice urban feel though. 4.5/5 ....First
Im not a huge fan of conquest but wow, this map had some amazing ideas. The ramp of dumpsters is surprisingly very smooth, nice job. the only thing i dont like is the active camo that is teasing you, it looks like you can pick it up but you cant. LOL
I luvz Conquesty. This is actually very original, I like the look and feel of it. Plays very smoothly, looks even better, and haz power ups that tease you!++ LOL Ya, but my opinion is a 4.5/5 EDIT: One question tho, do those wire spools fall, they look kinda tipsy. Just Wonderin . . .
In that one picture they look tipsy, thats because one guy was wackin at it for an hour, the bridge above it holds them in place.
nice map dude, one of the better conquest maps ive seen in a long time. i like how u used movable objects like dumpsters and wire spools for the stuctur of the map, not many people have the balls to do it and u pulled it off perfectly.
Yeah, looks okay from screenshots. What really stood out to me and apparently everyone else, is the ramp of dumpsters. Thats very very unique and original, and I hope your map contains others of that same sort too.
Do you want me to blow your mind? Those dumpsters, when you stand on them you move up them, like a escalator! And the wire spools, ya they do nothing.
This map is actually super fun, i played the beta and i was impressed. The video is redone in high def and i sent you the link. I really would recomend making a V2 with flipped boxes to make it more easy on the eyes, and a lot less fire nades, maybe plasma or stick instead or just less but besides that it is vry well thought out NOTE: if you watch the videos, at 2:20 there is an example of the escalator effect
Dude you should have posted this in the conquest forgeoff! Too bad it just ended though. But either way i'm sure this map is going to see some popularity. Nice job with the escalator (I'm working on one made out of roadblocks actually). I think i'll download just to play on the escalator! I think you should lose the fire nades though, not a fan.
wait, have actually been successful at putting flaming grenades in ur map?!?!?!? that is truly impressive, i will forever get on my knees for u (if the grenades complement the gameplay) i give u major props for making an interesting conquest map. for sure download homie
Metropolis does not give an urban feeling, but a futuristic urban feeling. All the structures were made in the intention of making it look futuristic. I like how you made some parts of the map narrow and the other parts a bit wide. That makes players use teamwork much more. Nice job, keep it up. Shouldn't the Sniper have a longer respawn time?
I watched that video and the map looked really cool! I cued it for DL. I will check it out next time I get on Halo. I'm really curious to see this dumpster escalator! haha
This map looks well built and fun to play on. I like how you got the dumpsters to be so smooth. Great job.
This is a very nice conquest map. Its pleasing to the eye in most parts looks very smooth and gameplay looks nice even with the flame grenades. I like how in the center structure you have the double boxes tilted to give it a more open feel. The dumsters are cool but i think that is just a little bit compared to the entire map. I don't really like conquest but this is one good map.
i don't think you should use flame grenades for a couple of reasons: 1. their laggy, and in a game like conquest that can be a real problem, especially in larger parties. 2. they hinder conquest. people aren't going to rush through doorways blocked by flame grenades, this halts the constant tug-of-war style of conquest. 3. flame grenades are just too powerful, as already mentioned, they block of doors, and can be used as a flare and a sticky. plus no one likes dying because they accidentally ran into a burning flame grenade on the floor. i think the map looks great but you should maybe just think about switching flame grenades for alternate grenade.
I agree 100% with this guy. Also, i downloaded the map to play on the escalators and must admit i was a little disappointed. They didn't work all the time, and they even killed me once! Only one of them went up. The other was just bounced me around a bit. (Oh, and you have two single walls that don't spawn at start by the way).
Seriously? Where? I need to fix that! And the escalators only sometimes work, but if they don't it doesn't make a difference.