King O the Hill

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by BarkusTheMan 1, Feb 21, 2009.


How good is it?

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  1. BarkusTheMan 1

    BarkusTheMan 1 Ancient
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    King o the Hill


    King o the Hill
    is a simple map consisting mainly of interlocked and geo merged boxes.
    They are oriented in a way that allows you to climb up them to the top,
    which, like the name says, is "the hill."
    Here is an overview of the hill.



    Beginning the ascent...


    Battle for the hill


    The pit of doom:


    How'd I get all the way over here??




    King o the Hill goes great with the custom gametype created specifically for the map: hill king

    Hill King

    Everyone has a gravity hammer and is invincible.
    Weight/speed is decreased while occupying hill
    so you don't get flung all the way to the corner of the map
    every time you make it onto the hill.​

    Thank you for reading, I hope you download and enjoy the map.

    ~There are at least 2 gaps somewhere on the hill
    which have a rather curious effect when fallen into.
  2. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    Putting just one structure in the center of Foundry is really not good. I like the hill thingy, but shouldn't you put more structures? This does not even feel like a map, no offense.

    Some of the boxes are quite sloppy. You could have also put some weapons and nades instead of just dictating what to start out with.

    In summary, the map is not really well though of. Try making it feel more like a map rather than a nice center piece.
  3. BarkusTheMan 1

    BarkusTheMan 1 Ancient
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    That's exactly what it's supposed to be. It's supposed to look sloppy, or, "natural." It more like a minigame than anything serious. So I think you got the idea, just not the intention.

    And also, the spawns are placed all around the hill, so it's not like you have to do much walking, but that is probably a given.
  4. BunN eeE

    BunN eeE Ancient
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    I have had this idea before, although I really never put it together. On my opinion the double boxes are just too close to each other, and the Structure itself isn't that big either.

  5. Bootsie 22

    Bootsie 22 Ancient
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    Is there a way out of the "pit of doom?" I wouldn't like to get stuck there...
  6. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
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    not bad, not bad. personally i prefer something a little neater and clean but i'm sure that this map serves its purpose quite well.
  7. BarkusTheMan 1

    BarkusTheMan 1 Ancient
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    The pit of doom is actually a teleporter pit. You wind up at the Danger sign at the division of the two halves of Foundry. <-- as seen in the second to last picture.

    JASONYO Ancient
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    i dont kno y everyone is hating on the map cuz this is probably the most original idea for king of the hill i've seen in a long time. most maps these days are just garbage, while this one has a point of interest, the one hill, that everyone is trying to get too. and at least hes made a gametype to go along with it to make the gameplay even more in depth. nice job dude. i like ur courage to go out of the box here.

    not even gonna rate it since i haven't played it yet (note to all u rookies here)

    "good interlox and geomerge 4/5!"

    first of all, anything here that is posted is considered a map, thats y u post these foundry creations in the map section

    in 'conclusions' (much better word that summary for the context) it is more thought "out" (this isn't a reputation contest) and the centerpiece makes the map, its like putting the hill in the middle of guardian and keeping it there the whole game. many points of entry, many hours of fun
  9. twisted gaming1111

    Senior Member

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    seems like a fun game to play.... i feel u could have cleaned up the boxes alittle but nice job...3.5/5 Hey does the hill lol just kiddin
  10. xPsychZerox

    xPsychZerox Ancient
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    Well he could've at least added a few structures outside of the hill, seeing as it might make it look a little more appealing than most other maps. Plus I have seen many of these center hill maps and I think it probably isn't the most original map ever, but it looks like it might play well. I will give it a try later on.
  11. BarkusTheMan 1

    BarkusTheMan 1 Ancient
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    Thank you! As for everyone else, I suppose I could understand you wanting more than just the hill, so I think I'll make a border around it so it'll at least look professional.
  12. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    Although I understand you don't want to put more objects outside of the hill, I recommend that you do, otherwise... your doing just what you want to do and that's not cool. There are multiple holes that it looks like you can get stuck in on the hill, and no I'm not talking about the one on top. But next time when you make a map. Don't just toss a bunch of boxes together and then refuse to fix it.

    It's not that I hate KoTH maps, it's that I hate it when a poorly made map has no description, and from the looks of it. You tested it out with a guest and called it good. If all it is is spawning off in the sides of Foundry and rushing up to this hill, I don't see the fun in this.

    Also, please tell us what happens when we fall in the holes. I don't care if you want to keep it secret, because I would like to know what I'm downloading before I download it.

    I don't want to sound rude but I have seen floating hill maps, and hill maps like this. All of them have structures on the sides and the hill looks beautiful. Please fix the post to so that at least a few of the words are spelled correctly.

    Thanks and have a wonderful day!

    2/5 because not even playing it, I see no potential in it becoming fun as it is now.

    EDIT: Where do we spawn?
  13. BarkusTheMan 1

    BarkusTheMan 1 Ancient
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    The holes in the side ARE escapable, and the secret is this: when you fall in them you bounce up and down which I found very unique and neat. To get out you have to crouch a few times and you slide down underneath the hill where you can simply walk into the teleporter.

    Also, what words did I misspell? I am usually pretty picky when I write things so I don't make mistakes. I don't have time to go look so I'll edit this when I do. You spawn around the hill.

    EDIT: Nevermind, I just looked. No mistakes...

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