This is a fun map named [ungard].This map is made for sword fights "there is a game type called ungard like the map" and you can use other game types for slayer.This map is a small staduim that you will like. MAP : Halo 3 File Details Game type :Halo 3 File Details I HOPE YOU LOVE IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It looks good and neatly forged, but you lack a description. And what exactly is up with the caged people? It's your option, but I would suggest pictures of the people in cages explaining it. Hurry or ForgeHub will rape you. COMPLETELY OPTIONAL HERE ----> I know it's an arena, but maybe add just a little something the center maybe. JUST MY OPINION. Overall I rate you 4/5
Nice map, i like the whole idea of having a stadium built for sword battles, the sword you made out of teleporters is very cool. i played a few games with some of my friendsand we enjoy this map.
so you took an old arena style game and made it look good. i never was a fan of sword fights, but the map is well forged and looks much better than most arena maps. nice.
Thank you for not paying attention. Forge Hub probably won't rape you, which is a shame. Spammers really need to get taught a lesson. OP: Not very original but greatly forged, nonetheless. You did stand out by your nice "tele-sword," which is a nice little aesthetic piece, seeing as how your map is primarily for sword battles. Would you mind explaining the open, single boxes and the gravity lift behind the wall. I know they must serve a purpose and it would be good if you went into a little more detail. Overall, nicely forged. Well done.
Yes, I am aware he has a description, but I meant a better description. Damage? Resistance? Shields? Speed? Gravity? It's all important stuff.
I'm not trying to be an English guru, but it's spelled en garde unless you meant it for title purposes (in that case, completely ignore what i just said) Anyway nice map. description would be nice. It looks like the map is just a one-on-one deal which I like. (no cheap bystander kills) Are the cages like spectator seats?
ha the map is sweet. like a coliseum in which two people fight to the death. the map is pure genius. a really nice idea. if two people were fighting over who was better, i would think they should come to your map. it really tests ones skill with the sword.
He can't spell mainly because he's German... Map Review: First off... Sorry that I didn't get around to writing you a description... any who, the pictures and my experiences on this map were WELL refined clean Ole' chat n' slash gameplay that anybody who wants to relax after forge should experience... the aesthetics resemble a battle arena feel mixed with observation decks that feel like the ones from Oblivion's Battle Arena observation decks... not to mention that the Broad Sword looks Awesome... Gameplay runs at a fast pace, 3 hits and you're dead, and never feels to short or boring... Games usually last long enough for long conversations. This is taking an old concept and injecting forge steroids... Awesome! 9.94 / 10 amazing The Open Single Boxes are Spectator Seats... the Grav-Lift nudges the players into the battle arena and then a wall instantly spawns making it impossible to puss-out in your starting location.
This looks extremely interesting, but shouldn't this be in the Mini-Games map section? Mods, please move this if I am correct. The game play feels really exciting and is like a tournament map but with swords. It would be better if you would explain the game and the map in a more detailed manner. Please send me a VM if you updated your thread so I can download it.
Technically, you're being a French guru As for the map, it looks excellently forged, and the teleporter art is absolutely great. I would like to see more of a description about how exactly the gametype works. Is it just 1v1, one kill to win, or what? Also, I would suggest putting descriptions underneath each picture to tell us what we're looking at. I'd especially like to know more about the spectator boxes and grav lift pictures.
I approve its neatly made and even if it has been done before this is one of the better versions and I'm glad you did it this well. I think it could even work with other weapon starts and the tele-sword is cool :]
Yes, I caught that after I made the post, lol. Perhaps I should have just said language guru to be safe... Anyway, thanks for the description, though it may have been more efficient to just edit your original post.
wow dude anthestics are great.. very smooth and fun looking gameplay, and i like the sword thing made of teleporters, its great 5/5 and ill dl to play =)
Not the most original map but still its forging is slick though ^^ Is the cages for the other dudes to watch while the two guys below rip each others guts out? Fav points: The sword tele is kick ass That recon dude also looks kick ass