Drop Shock

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Gunnergrunt, Feb 21, 2009.


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  1. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
    Senior Member

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    -by Gunnergrunt

    400+ downloads

    Drop Shock, a conquest map. More specifically, a conquest v3 map. It is also my second entry in the ConquestForgeoff. This map features a unique death pit and central chamber, in the shape of an octogon. Each team has a hallway that curves back around the outside of the octogon forming various rooms and hallways (pre-forge ketch posted below for a better idea of the layout). Each side, yellow and red, are completely symmetrical and equal. Drop Shock plays well, following the traditional "reverse-tug-of-war" style of gameplay. Weapons are well placed throughout the map to allow maximun flow. This map is best played with 4v4, although it functions well with any number of players (6v6 was incredibly fun). Along with great gameplay, Drop Shock looks great. It's new, smooth, and shiny!

    Pre-forge Sketch

    Weapons and Gameplay
    2 frag grenades (increased respawn times)
    2 spike genades (increased respawn times)
    2 sniper rifles (0 spare clips. 120 respawn)
    2 needlers (1 spare clip. 90 respawn)
    4 spikers
    2 SMG's
    2 plasma rifles
    2 plasma pistols

    The weapons on Drop Shock are placed with usefulness in mind. The sniper is most useful in the center of the map, therefore it is placed in the room just before entering the center. The needler is placed is the longest hallway, and it can be used in that location or taken to the center as well. All dual weapons are placed in the rooms to give players more control in tight areas. A frag grenade is placed by the sniper rifle, and it is most effective when thrown across the center into the enemy team's sniper room or thrown into the hallway. A spike grenade is placed on the wall in the first territory and is most efficient in clearing out the sniper room, although it has many other uses as well.

    As a new round starts, each team will either race to reach the sniper room, picking up weapons are they go, or they will gain control of the first two territories. Either strategy works well. After that, each team will rush into the center, trying to capture the floating platform over the death pit. It's not always the best idea to have a whole team standing on the platform at once. It may be better to have one man capturing the central territory while the other press enemies back into their sniper room. Positioning members of the team on the walkway surrounding the death pit is most useful in capturing it. Once one team gains possesion of the central territory, they will try and gain the opposing team's sniper room. This is where the dual weapons come into play. As the other team comes from the hallway, capturing their sniper room is not easy. It is rare that one team will gain control of all five territories at once, unless the teams are uneven. But even if that happens, it nevers lasts long. So altogether, there will be large, open fights in the center, and tight, close combat battles in the rooms and hallways.

    Hints, tips, tricks
    I added this section to describe some unique features of this map that can not be shown in the pictures. Anyone who has downloaded Drop Shock has been surprised that players actually spin around in the death pit instead of falling strait in. This allows for once last chance to gets some kills while you are spiraling to your doom. If you spin pass close enough to the middle of the death pit, you may be able to pick up some weapons laying in the bottom. You will have a total of about five seconds in the death pit before your spin dies out completely.
    Second of all, here's a suggestion for a really fun, casual game to play on Drop Shock. If you change the base player movement to 150% speed and 50% gravity you will be able to spin around in the death pit without fall down! This is really fun with gravity hammers of swords. Players can have interesting sword battles while spinning in the death pit. Gravity hammers allow you to boost yourself back out of the death pit as well. Of course, this has nothing to do with the conquest variant this map was made for, but it's still a blast to mess around with.
    Okay, now here's a hint. If you hide under the shelf in the sniper room, you may be able to pull off a few assassinations before you are noticed. There is a downside to this strategy though. After a few kills in this manner, that will be the first place enemies will look as they come around the corner, so you'll have to get clever.
    I will continue to add to this section of the post as new secrets of Drop Shock are discovered. Feel free to post what you know, as I may add it to this section.


    Battle for the central territory (floating platform and someone falling in death pit)

    View inside death pit (players will spiral around the sides until they reach the geomerged sender node at the bottom)

    Central platform (yellow sniper room in back)

    View from yellow side's sniper room

    Inside the sniper room, leading to the hallway (note the small ledge above the grenade)

    The hallway. Needler spawn (I used the natural barrier of the top of foundry to keep players from escaping my map, don't worry).

    First territory room (note the energy swords in the territory marker).

    View into first territory room, leading into hallway

    Other side of sniper room

    Yellow side

    Red side

    View from inside of the death pit

    Falling in the death pit

    Full look into the death pit

    A large confrontation in the hallway

    Where the death pits puts the bodies (When you fall in the death pit, you will be given a cool view of the central platform).

    Central territory without one side (Half of the map was removed to take this shot)

    Spawn room

    A big thanks to all my map testers! (...and the many more that are not listed).


    [URL="http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=53843513"]Conquest v3[/URL]

    #1 Gunnergrunt, Feb 21, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2009
  2. Gradex

    Gradex Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow, this looks like a reallygood may! I love the combination of perfect ascetics to go along with a great, well-forged map! Allthough it could use a little more room...

    i giv you a 4.5/5 for good Ascetics and (What seems to be) Smooth gameplay =D
  3. Merrifield69

    Merrifield69 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    That is such a cool map! That long pit was really nicely done! My friends will have fun playing this map. 5/5
  4. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Hey this looks pretty good. I love that death pit. It looks amazing. And I like how the middle territory is floating over the death pit. I'll DL this and play some games on it later. Looks really good.
  5. Yekkou

    Yekkou Yellow, but with "kk"s
    Senior Member

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    I like this alot! Especially the death pit. Instead you have everyone directed into one central node. A very nice idea :D All the interlocking looks perfect also! This map seems it deserves a feature but that's not me to decide sadly. You have my vote though! Once again, good job!
  6. MNM1245

    MNM1245 Ancient
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    This looks great! I am going to DL. The death pit must have taken forever. The only thing I am worried about is that the snipers would own way too much but I haven't played it so prove me wrong! But seriously that Death Pit is sweet.
  7. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Don't worry the snipers only have 4 shots so they aren't a huge probelm. They usually get used up within the first 40 seconds of the game
  8. Craigien

    Craigien Ancient
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    It looks great. I like the pit idea. The gameplay looks good too.
  9. darkassailant

    darkassailant Ancient
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    so is this map only compatible with territorys only or ctf? assault? ect. oh and i dl it
  10. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Compatible with territories or 1v1 slayer only. It was built to be played with Conquest v3
  11. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    As much as I love your map, you might have committed a huge mistake on it. Did you put roofs on the hallways? You did not mention that one.

    I really admire the Death Pit as much as everyone else does. It's so well made and it gives such a nice feel to players. Let's just hope you actually did put a roof. Nice job.
  12. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'm glad you brought that matter to attention! To answer your question, no i did not put a roof on the hallways. But I did not have to! I used the natural barrier formed by the top of foundry to keep people from escaping my map. Thank you for the concern, but this map is impossible to escape, sir. And thank you all for the feedback and commments. I really appreciate it!
  13. SyIva

    SyIva Ancient
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    Had great fun testing this map. Nice work GunnerGrunt.
  14. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
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    While playing this map, I am often asked how long it took to make the death pit. Building the death pit was the very first thing i did to start this map, and it only took about fifteen minutes. Once I had the correct angle of slope (steep enough to slide down but maximizing the diameter of the pit), I built a ring of double boxes and used the geomerged teleporter node as a reference point to line up all the bridges. From there, the map got a bit complicated to forge. I just worked from the center, outwards. Hopefully that clears up all questions regarding how the map was built.

    Thanks for helping me test the map SyIva. I think i added an extra room on the outside since you've played it last
  15. Tyberiousfusion

    Tyberiousfusion Ancient
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    This is sooooooooo cool i love that spiral it's so unique i've never seen anything like it before in any Halo map. Overall i really like this map its a true work of Forgery. Keep up the good work. 5/5

    You've got my DL
  16. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    While I praise you for your beautiful forging and originality, I have a big problem about all these small corridors. They are all too tight to allow maneuvering. This makes it too easy to kill, and the Needler would probably rule the map. Along with the spike grenade and other weapons (Sniper is also a big one).

  17. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I built the halls and rooms small intentionally to allow more dual weapon combat and compensate for the large central area. The halls are wider than the doors, to prevent a whole team from passing through them at once. This gives a fair chance of capturing each territory.

    The needler only has 1 spare clip and a 90 second respawn to prevent it from overpowering. The sniper has already been mentioned...

    As for the spike genade, there is only one, and it has an increased respawn time. Everything aspect of weapon placement/choice has been considered and this is the best weapon set for this map. Thank you for the concern!
  18. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    Alright, my other big concern is the spawn points. The map seems like once you get the flag passed the mid-point, you practically win.
  19. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
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    It sounds like you could use a round or two on this map! Trust me, it has been well tested. The territory in the sniper room changes possesion the quite often. Still unconvinced? Let me extrapolate!...

    Because your team respawns in the furthest room back, a steady stream of enemies will continue to flow through the hallways and doors. The rate and amount of enemies increases the further your team progresses into the enemy's side of the map. After all the matches i played on Drop Shock, the first territory was only captured once (and i'm pretty sure the other team had two guys that weren't playing). Conquest v3 also enables 3 seconds of invincibilty as a starting trait when players respawn. This gives the freshly respawned players a slight advantage when it comes to controlling the first territory. I hope that helps!
  20. xFr1ct10nx

    xFr1ct10nx Ancient
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    Unfortunatly i have not been able to have a game on it yet, but i did dload it at walked around on it. and surprisingly enough the cone in the middle actually makes u spin around! i thought that was a really neat design and it looks like fun times, but i dont know that yet. so ill try to get a game of this goin today or this weekend cuz it really looks like fun. u really put effort into it.

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